98 concorde A/C problem

Discussion in 'Concorde' started by xmirage2kx, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. xmirage2kx

    xmirage2kx Guest

    A/C Works when I am driving, the faster i drive the colder it blows
    (to normal extent). RPM’s have nothing to do with it. when I am stuck
    in traffic, or even around town, it will overheat the car and not blow
    cold. the system is fully charged, so I dont know whats up with it,
    any suggestions?
    xmirage2kx, Aug 21, 2005
  2. xmirage2kx

    Bill Putney Guest

    Very likely you have an engine cooling fan problem. They do wear out
    (fan motor bearings). Often, one fan motor goes bad, locks up, and
    blows one of the fuses that runs both fans (there's a hi-speed fuse and
    a lo-speed fuse). One or both fans not operating would explain all
    symptoms that you describe.

    To help you diagnose this, it will help you to know that the two engine
    cooling fans are wired to run together (i.e., never would only one run
    and not the other unless there is a problem). With the hood open and
    engine running, the fans should be coming on (cycling). If neither or
    only one comnes on, then you will have confirmed what I suspect.

    The fan fuses are in the power distribution center (front driver's side
    of engine compartment) - labeled "RAD FAN HI" and "RAD FAN HI/LO". You
    might check those - replace if blown and see if either or both fans run,
    but be prepared for it to blow again if it was blown (because of worn
    out fan motor).

    Get whatever the problem is fixed soon - you don't want to damage your
    engine (head gasket, etc.). Which engine do you have?

    There are also fan relays, but I would start by looking at the fan
    motors and their fuses. Post back with what you find.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Aug 21, 2005
  3. xmirage2kx

    maxpower Guest


    As Bill said, check both fans for proper operation

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Aug 21, 2005
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