98 Chrysler Minivan has no power repl O2 sensor

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by llegg, Jul 22, 2006.

  1. llegg

    llegg Guest

    Hi: Can someone help me? My minivan with 3.3L burned up an O2 sensor
    4 weeks ago. Took out the alternator and battery. Shop had a hard
    time getting the wiring straight as it melted. Actually replaced the
    O2 sensor a second time. Car still has no power and hesitates when
    you give it the gas. Suggestions? I need to get my van back.
    llegg, Jul 22, 2006
  2. llegg

    NewMan Guest

    Your O2 sensor destroyed your alternator and battery?????

    When my O2 sensor went, all that happened was hesitation under load
    (going up hill) and the odd spit-back.

    Replacement was about $100 and took less than 20 min.

    If your alternator and battery went, causing a melt-down of wiring, I
    would suggest that the O2 sensor was NOT at fault.

    No idea where to start, but it sounds nasty.
    NewMan, Jul 23, 2006
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