98 Chrylser Cirrus(Dodge Stratus look alike) rear brake problem

Discussion in 'Cirrus' started by audeogod, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. audeogod

    audeogod Guest

    Hello all. New to the forum. I have a 98 Chrysler Cirrus that has a
    problem with the rear passenger side brakes.

    3 times now, I have replaced the wheel cylinder, brake shoes, springs, and
    the drum, and 4 times now(yeah, it's burnt up again) it has burnt
    completely up because of a shoe that is dragging against the drum
    constantly and building up heat and then destroying everything inside of
    the drum. Everything was put back new each time except for the brake
    adjuster, which all the local autoparts stores tell me they cannot order.

    I know it was put back together correctly because if you've ever seen this
    particular set of shoes, they only fit one way. And the left driver's side
    has given me no problems at all, and I was the one that did the work on it
    when I changed it all as well. It got a new drum, shoes, and springs
    only, no wheel cylinder was necessary.

    It's also been suggested that the rubber hose that connects to the metal
    tubing that goes to the wheel cylinder may be clogged or is collapsing and
    not letting fluid flow backwards out of the wheel cylinder when the brake
    is released. I have not changed it yet either. But I did feel of the
    hose, for whatever good that will do, and it did not feel weak and did not
    collapse under my squeezing pressure. Visibly, it looks fine.

    Has anybody ever had this happen, and what do you do about it?? Change
    hose?? Try to get a new adjuster from a dealer or a junkyard??

    Thanks for any replies.
    audeogod, Jul 24, 2005
  2. audeogod

    maxpower Guest

    Do you use the emergency brake when you park this vehicle? Possible cable
    hanging up on that side.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler tech
    maxpower, Jul 24, 2005
  3. audeogod

    SRG Guest

    I had a 97 Stratus, the only thing I can tell you is that you should check
    to make sure the ends of the shoes are properly placed against the bottom
    pins. I once had replaced the shoes, felt that one was dragging, and found
    that I had somehow got the drum on with the bottom of one shoe not back
    where it belonged.

    If you have ABS, there might be something wrong with the control unit.

    SRG, Jul 24, 2005
  4. audeogod

    audeogod Guest

    OK, I hadn't thought of the E-brake causing a problem. I never use it at
    all though, so it's unlikely, but I'll remember it anyway. I gotta get
    this fixed.

    Also, the shoes were put in place exactly where they belong. But I do
    have ABS, don't know if it's front and rear, or just front only(do they
    make it front only?). The ABS has been acting up lately coming on when
    it's not needed and almost causing me to not stop and hit people instead.
    I would begin to stop, and the car would slow down, then the ABS would kick
    in and it would roll through a stopsign and almost cause a wreck. So I
    pulled the ABS 40 amp fuse and now it doesn't work at all. Basically just
    like regular power brakes only. ABS light is still on though, but I
    thought that with the fuse out it would be like the car does not have ABS
    at all.
    audeogod, Jul 24, 2005
  5. audeogod

    audeogod Guest

    Well guys, wish me luck. I did a little research on the internet and found
    out that there was a recall on my car for the right rear(passenger) side
    brake lines. Seems that they can rub against the exaust and cause a hole
    in the brake line.

    A few months ago we went through the car seemingly losing or using brake
    fluid. We would refill it when this happened. It didn't cause a problem
    at the time though and we forgot about it until I just read the recall

    My thinking is if there is a small hole in the brake line, it could have
    introduced debris into the line and possibly would be causing a clogged
    line in the rear now. Right where my problems are all located at. That
    would explain the fluid losses from before as well. It may even leak a
    little from time to time now cause occasionally I do add some to it. But
    not a lot so I didn't make the connection.

    Of course I'm just guessing cause I'm not a mechanic short of just
    replacing parts anyway. And maybe it's a bit of wishful thinking. But if
    it turns out to be cause of this, I'll be glad.
    audeogod, Jul 25, 2005
  6. audeogod

    maxpower Guest

    Wishfull thinking.. causing the problem? I dont think so. ..causing loss of
    fluid? absulutely

    Right where my problems are all located at. That
    maxpower, Jul 25, 2005
  7. audeogod

    tim bur Guest

    i have seen this before on the rear brake assembly look at the top were the
    brake line runs thru the little tab attached to the strut the bracket is bent
    into much pinching the rubber line and cutting off the bacflow of brake fliud
    resulting in the shoes dragging all this of course is untrue if the drums have
    been machined over the max allowence
    tim bur, Jul 26, 2005
  8. audeogod

    audeogod Guest

    Well, I got the drum and wheel cylinder warranty replaced from the
    autoparts store where I got them a month ago, and bought new brake shoes
    and springs to go with them. Also ordered(will be here tomorrow) a new
    rear brake hose, the rubber line only.

    I disconnected the hose from the wheel cylinder and had someone push the
    brake with it this way. Barely any fluid came out. Just dribbled a
    little. Then I disconnected the hose from the metal brake line and had
    them hit the brake again. This time fluid shot out of the line like a
    fire hose. I reconnected the rubber line back up and repeated the test
    and the fluid just dribbled.

    So I concluded that the rubber hose is collapsing internally, or is
    clogged. Either way, I'm getting a new one and will post back if this
    fixes it or not.

    Only thing left to replace would be the adjuster, and it seems to be
    working fine. Otherwise, I could run a new metal line all the way back
    from the master cylinder. The line looks fine though and fluid flows
    freely through it. I don't think it's that at all.
    audeogod, Jul 27, 2005
  9. audeogod

    audeogod Guest

    Well, today I went to the autoparts store for the second(more like 5 - 6)
    time to pick up my part I ordered. The first time, I ordered a rear brake
    hose for my car with ABS front and rear, cause that's what the dealership
    told me it has based on the VIN. The part came in, looked just like mine
    except that the end that connects to the wheel cylinder looked like it was
    made to fit a caliper instead.

    So they checked in the computer and found one that connects to a wheel
    cylinder and that part said it was for a car without ABS. I said whatever
    and ordered it cause it looked like it would fit. It came in today and I
    went to get it and it fits the wheel cylinder, but the other end won't
    connect to my brake line without removing an adapter that was on the old
    line. The first new part(ABS) had come with this adapter, but the second
    new part(non-ABS) did not. I figured I'd unscrew mine and put it on this
    line. I tried that but my old line fit into the adapter with a male
    fitting and the new line has a female fitting on it. So that won't work

    Now that's two parts, one with ABS and one without ABS. There's no other
    way, and neither one fits my car. They checked the previous model year's
    part, 97, and also the next year model's part, 99, and it's the same way
    as the 98 listings. Then they checked the left rear instead of the right
    rear and found one made to fit right on both ends, but the attaching
    brackets are different based on left side assembly. You can get it for
    the left side but not the right??? That's weird!

    Then here's the funny part, they actually suggested I order the one for
    the driver's side and when it comes in, MODIFY it to fit my passenger's
    side by prying off the mounting brackets(two of them) and reuse my old
    ones with the new part. These are not bolted on so it would come off
    easily. They are crimped on. And if it doesn't work, then I'm just out
    the money cause it's not returnable once it's been modified. I said no to
    that and just got a refund on the unusable part I ordered.

    Then I went to my brother-in-law's house with my old brake line and pried
    off the connecting parts they suggested to remove before just to see if
    they would come off without damaging them or the line. I figured what
    have I got to lose cause the old part doesn't work anyway. Then when I
    done that, the line freed up enough for air to flow through it, so I blew
    it out with an air compressor and now it flows freely. I guess the
    crimped on connector was restricting fluid flow somehow. Don't know why
    cause it's worked fine all this time until now. But it had the line
    flattened way out. I reconnected it again, but loosly so it just holds
    the line up. That's all it needs anyway.

    Then I reconnected it to the car and reassembled all my brake shoes,
    springs, wheel cylinder, and drum. Now I'm waiting on my wife to come
    home and assist with bleeding the brakes to see if it's going to work. If
    not, at least the car is drivable again for short distances and can get to
    a mechanic cause if it doesn't work this time, it's going to get fixed by
    someone else or driven off a cliff and insurance claimed.
    audeogod, Jul 30, 2005
  10. audeogod

    maxpower Guest

    If your vehicle has ABS it is front and rear, you cant get just one axle
    with ABS.
    And you shouldnt have to tell them to go by the vin #, you know if the car
    has ABS or not, thats what the idiot lites are for if your not sure.
    And thats why you should stay away from after market auto parts stores. If
    you went to the dealer you should have gotten the part on the first go
    around.Sounds like a horror stoy from the get go with the auto parts store.
    4764178 Right hose w/ABS w/drum
    4764179 left hose w/ABS w/drum
    4616064 right hose w/oABS w/drum
    4616065 left hose w/o ABS w/drum
    maxpower, Jul 30, 2005
  11. audeogod

    audeogod Guest

    Well, I've always known that my car has ABS, but I don't know that much
    about ABS and I've been told that it can have it either one the front and
    rear or just the front only. The dealer even asked me what the VIN was so
    he could check it. I just got it for him and he said it was 4 wheel ABS.
    Why would he say "4 wheel" if there is no other kind?? Well if this
    didn't fix the car, then the dealer is the next place I'm going anyway.
    No more aftermarket parts for this. Three different dealers already told
    me they have to order the part anyway. None have it in stock so I can't
    even see it before I pay for it.
    audeogod, Jul 31, 2005
  12. audeogod

    audeogod Guest

    Well, I've always known that my car has ABS, but I don't know that much
    about ABS and I've been told that it can have it either one the front and
    rear or just the front only. The dealer even asked me what the VIN was so
    he could check it. I just got it for him and he said it was 4 wheel ABS.
    Why would he say "4 wheel" if there is no other kind?? Well if this
    didn't fix the car, then the dealer is the next place I'm going anyway.
    No more aftermarket parts for this. Three different dealers already told
    me they have to order the part anyway. None have it in stock so I can't
    even see it before I pay for it.
    audeogod, Jul 31, 2005
  13. audeogod

    audeogod Guest

    I think the two parts the store had were either ABS with rear discs or
    non-ABS with rear drums. I need ABS with rear drums.

    I bled the line tonight and it bled easily, not like before where it took
    FOREVER. So fluid is flowing freely now. But the brakes make a thumping
    noise on that wheel when applied and I can feel the pedal pulsating just a
    little. Even the car vibrates just barely. This was the same thing I had
    happen before and I assumed it lead up to this. But now I wonder if it's
    another brake related problem that was unrelated to the hose being stopped
    up. I just don't know, but it's going to a garage for someone else to look
    audeogod, Jul 31, 2005
  14. audeogod

    audeogod Guest

    I think the two parts the store had were either ABS with rear discs or
    non-ABS with rear drums. I need ABS with rear drums.

    I bled the line tonight and it bled easily, not like before where it took
    FOREVER. So fluid is flowing freely now. But the brakes make a thumping
    noise on that wheel when applied and I can feel the pedal pulsating just a
    little. Even the car vibrates just barely. This was the same thing I had
    happen before and I assumed it lead up to this. But now I wonder if it's
    another brake related problem that was unrelated to the hose being stopped
    up. I just don't know, but it's going to a garage for someone else to look
    audeogod, Jul 31, 2005
  15. audeogod

    maxpower Guest

    The trucks have all wheel antilock or just rear only

    .. The dealer even asked me what the VIN was so
    He asked you what the vin was because he wanted to know all the sales codes
    that it asks you when you look up a part that pertains to your vehicle

    I just got it for him and he said it was 4 wheel ABS.

    Of course, either it does or it doesnt
    There is another kind!!! it would be not at all

    Well if this
    Because they make so many brake lines for so many applications and it isn't
    a hot sales item they would not stock them.

    Good luck
    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jul 31, 2005
  16. audeogod

    maxpower Guest

    maxpower, Jul 31, 2005
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