97 intrepied coolant leak

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by IckyBob, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. IckyBob

    IckyBob Guest

    Good day all,

    Just looking for some suggestions on where to start looking here. I have a
    97 Intrepid with 140,000km. Recently I have started going through some
    coolant. Not horrible amounts, maybe a litre every 2 weeks(ish) depending
    on how much driving we do.

    No puddles anywhere.
    I've checked the other fluids, and it's not going there.
    Heater is still putting out lots of heat.

    Thanks in advance,

    IckyBob, Mar 29, 2007
  2. IckyBob

    kmatheson Guest

    What engine does your Intrepid have?

    When you say that you have checked the other fluids, I assume that the
    engine oil looks okay, with no signs of coolant contamination.

    kmatheson, Mar 29, 2007
  3. IckyBob

    Mike Guest

    Look at the bottom of the water pump and engine for traces of dried
    coolant. You can have a small leak that won't leave a spot on the ground but
    will still leave a bit of color from the coolant.
    Mike, Mar 29, 2007
  4. IckyBob

    IckyBob Guest

    It has teh 3.3L engine.
    IckyBob, Mar 29, 2007
  5. IckyBob

    Steve Guest

    That's a fairly good amount of coolant loss, IMO. I agree with the other
    poster who suggested looking at the underside to try to find coolant
    residue. Regardless of whether you have the 3.3 or 3.5, head gasket
    problems are VERY unilikely (almost nonexistent with the 3.3 in fact),
    so focus on the water pump area and all the hose connections. The other
    possibilities are the heater core, and believe it or not a bad radiator
    pressure cap. The bad cap allows vapor to steadily escape as the coolant
    slowly boils away in the engine, and it doesn't usually leave a trace.
    Steve, Mar 30, 2007
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