97 Dakota Radiator Fan won't turn off

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by digdug8, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. digdug8

    digdug8 Guest

    This afternoon when I turned off my truck I noticed that the radiator
    fan motor was still spinning the fan even though it's still cold out
    and I hadn't driven far. 15 minutes later when I came back outside the
    fan was still running. I suspect a relay or a switch, but not sure
    where to start looking. Can anyone help? Thanks!
    digdug8, Mar 3, 2006
  2. digdug8

    Scott S. Guest

    I had that happen to me this summer. The contact relay the fuse block under
    the hood gets very hot. I practically burned my finger just touching it. The
    relays are way to undersized. The contacts welded them selves together. I
    slapped it with a screw driver and the fan shut off. I just did a quick swap
    with the fog relay because they are the same type. Pry the old one open and
    you will see how pitted and burnt they get from use.
    A simple replacement will do the trick.

    Scott S., Mar 3, 2006
  3. digdug8

    digdug8 Guest

    That did it. Thank you!
    digdug8, Mar 4, 2006
  4. digdug8

    Scott S. Guest

    No problem..glad it worked for ya.

    UAW electrician
    Scott S., Mar 5, 2006
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