97 Concorde no start

Discussion in 'Concorde' started by Matt, Jan 16, 2004.

  1. Matt

    Matt Guest

    I've got an interesting problem with my '97 Chrysler Concorde (3.5L), in
    case you've been following the news it's COLD up here in the northeast,
    and ever since I've gotten this car it's been very hard to start in the
    cold, and the colder it gets the more trouble I have starting it (like
    it doesn't want to fire) until a day like this morning when it was near
    zero, it just won't start at all. As it cranks it feels like it fires a
    few times, but not enought to start it. I'm not sure if it's too
    flooded to fire or it's not firing. Later (once it warms up outside) it
    will eventually start, missing, stinking like an old lawnmower, and
    running awful for 5-10 secs. until it levels out. Then it will be fine
    and never repeat itself until the weather is cold enough. It starts and
    runs great all summer. Two dealers and an independent garage can't find
    the cause. They think it's a sensor, but which one they don't know,
    maybe crank, maybe coolant temperature. The problem leaves no trace in
    the computer's diagnostic logs. Something's certainly out of whack
    because when I filled up this week I managed to pull a remarkable 12
    miles per gallon in the last tank.

    Has anyone had this kind of problem? If someone can lead me in the
    right direction I'd be appreciative. It's not like this car is in bad
    condition, I take good care of it and can practically eat off the
    engine, and I intend to keep it for a while yet, but it's done this
    since the day I bought it used a few years ago and every mechanic is
    stumped. I'm tired of bumming rides with co-workers and friends to get

    Matt, Jan 16, 2004
  2. Matt

    Steve Guest

    Pull the codes and see if that gives a clue. Also, if I remember my
    owners manual correctly, isn't starting with the accelerator pedal held
    partway down recommended below a certain temperature? (whatever it is,
    I've never had my wife's 93 in temperatures cold enough to bother). Even
    if its not, give that a try and see if it fires up. Might save you some
    misery while you track down the problem.
    Steve, Jan 16, 2004
  3. Matt

    mic canic Guest

    have someone check the fuel pump for a bled down issue and make sure the
    regulator is working correctly too the pump should not go below 10 psi over
    mic canic, Jan 17, 2004
  4. Matt

    Steve m... Guest

    In the owners manual it stated that you want to press the throttle fully for
    a cold start condition when the temp is below 0f. You might try that when
    it does it next.
    Also, the 12mpg thing sucks. My 3.5 LHS never got below 21 even in frigid
    temps. Something is running rich. Sorry, can't help more with that unless
    you can get some more info.

    Steve m..
    Steve m..., Jan 17, 2004
  5. Matt

    Lurker Guest

    Try starting fluid. If it starts then you have a temperature sensor gone
    (possibly telling the ECU the temperature is something like 200F - this
    would explain why it is worse in cold weather).
    Lurker, Jan 17, 2004
  6. Matt

    Matt Guest

    Thanks for the fast replies... here some more info for your posts.

    I tried for codes, there are none in the computer. When the problem
    goes away it leaves no sign it was ever there. Every sensor on the car
    I can read is within spec, and the dealer and the independent shop concur.

    Pressing the gas part way or completely makes no difference when it
    decides not to start. When it's warmer outside and it's giving hard
    starts it does help to hit the gas a little and gets it going. However
    when it's just at the boundary between when it's hard to start and when
    it won't start, it'll race when it starts even without my foot on the
    gas at all, not badly but it will run up to 1500-1800 RPM for a few
    seconds and slowly come back down.

    The fuel system and pump appears to be working, because it's certainly
    getting gas when it's not starting, too many tries to start it and it
    floods out. Last time I had it in for a check for this problem they
    claimed the fuel system was good. I know it runs horribly rich when its
    cold outside and the engine's cold, the exhaust smells like it's too
    heavy on fuel and it's a dog until it warms up (granted I go real easy
    on it but there's a noticable loss in low end torque when it's cold).

    Outside of that she's fine, the idle's a little rough (every couple of
    seconds the engine kind of 'twitches') and there's a faint flutter
    (slight dip in power for a second) under moderate acceleration below 3k
    rpm, but always starts and never gives me any sign of trouble. I
    figured I needed a tuneup to smooth that out. If my coolant temperature
    sensor was really out of whack wouldn't I see it on the temp gauge or
    does that gauge read from a different sensor? I've tried scanning it
    when it's running right and the temp after a 20 minute highway drive in
    cold weather then a few minutes of idling was in the mid 100 degree
    range which sounds about right.

    Thanks for the help, you've been much more useful then the local dealer.

    Matt, Jan 17, 2004
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