While I have complained about some T&C components failing early in life, the starter is clearly not on that list. Now, at 170K, the starter fails to start every so often and it's getting worse. I know what it is: it's the starter solenoid. I hear it clunk into place when I turn the key but, alas, the big old contacts just ain't what they used to be. So one has to try again and again until getting lucky. This will eventually become terminal. What I have done in other cars is simply swap out either the solenoid or the solenoid contacts. Why not? The starter is an extremely low duty cycle item that rides along dormant for about 98% of the time. When it is called upon to do it's thing, the big electrical stress item is that poor solenoid. With a new one, the electrical stuff in the starter (stator and rotor windings, brushes) and the bearings and bendix drive will go on and on. Someone, please make my day and tell me the solenoid is a replacement item in this starter! Ken