96 T&C AC blower on the blink

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Fieronut, Jul 30, 2005.

  1. Fieronut

    Fieronut Guest

    I guess all the electronic gurus are off somewhere. But I'd REALLY like to
    know if ANYONE has ANY idea about the problem. Front AC blower ran fine,
    turned it off, didn't run when I turned it back on. Checked the fuse, has
    juice on both sides. Checked the connection to the motor--no current.
    Checked the connector to the switch on the console, no current to any
    slot. The rear AC runs and cools. The front cools if the car is moving
    but that's from the movement, not the fan. The only other thing I can
    think of is the resistor but haven't had time to check. I took one out of
    a car in Pick N Pull today, but managed to break one side, tho the wires
    are fine. My next step is to plug in the resister and see what happens.
    If THAT doesn't fix it, don't know what next. Any ideas? TIA

    Fieronut, Jul 30, 2005
  2. Fieronut

    maxpower Guest

    John, start with the resistor and when you check it make sure the terminals
    in the connector arent corroded. Chrysler has come out with a new designed
    connector and resistor. If that is the problem install the part and make
    sure you solder and heat shrink the wires for the pigtail.
    If you plug the resistor in while you are holding it, it could burn you!!!

    5003316AA is the part number for the wiring and resistor pigtail, the
    resistor is 4677180AB

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jul 30, 2005
  3. Fieronut

    tim bur Guest

    hey glenn watch what you put on the posts d.c is watching and they are seeing
    way too much and are thinking of shutting down our home use! that comes from a
    friend on the inside
    tim bur, Jul 31, 2005
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