96 Stratus, 2.0L, 5spd--Hesitation Problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by JL, Dec 4, 2005.

  1. JL

    JL Guest

    My 96 Stratus, 2.0L 5sp, 97K Miles, has developed an annoying hestitation
    problem. It doesn't happen when the car is cold, but after a couple of
    miles/5 minutes it starts. Starting from a stand-still requires a light
    touch of the throttle, otherwise the car hestitates/bucks up to 2500-2700
    RPM At 2700+ RPMs the car feels normal. It almost feels like the car is
    being flooded with Gas at lower RPMs.

    Gas Mileage is normal--about 31 MPG all around driving.

    I checked the computer for error codes, nothing being reported.

    Any Suggestions/comments/past experience would be apprecitated before I call
    my mechanic.

    JL, Dec 4, 2005
  2. JL

    Bob Shuman Guest

    When was it last tuned up? Condition of plugs, wires, fuel injectors?

    Bob Shuman, Dec 4, 2005
  3. JL

    JL Guest

    Last tune was about two years(25K Miles) ago. Plugs and wires replaced not
    long before that. Nothing has ever been done to the fuel injectors.
    JL, Dec 4, 2005
  4. JL

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Replace the plugs and wires and see if that eliminates the problem.

    Bob Shuman, Dec 5, 2005
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