96 seabring

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dantzijean, May 12, 2005.

  1. dantzijean

    dantzijean Guest

    I just bought a used 96 seabring last july. I’ve replaced the entire
    engine and valve system ( A $300 job) and it ran perfectly for nearly
    two months. Three days ago I went out and it just stalled. It started
    sputtering like it was out of gas (but it wasn’t I just filled it the
    day before) then as I kept accelerating it just went slower and
    slower, until it finally gave out. I tried for about 45 mins to
    restart with nothing. This includes putting it in N and stepping on
    the gas with nothing. I called a tow and by the time I got it to my
    house it started again, with no problems....what gives?
    dantzijean, May 12, 2005
  2. dantzijean

    Bob Shuman Guest

    A couple possibilities since you seem to think it was fuel starved: Dirty
    fuel filter (not likely if you had not experienced problems when
    accelerating to highway speeds previously)? Fuel pump just starting to go
    bad (my personal guess of these three)? Intermittent ASD relay?

    Other possible causes are a defective crank or cam position sensors, engine
    computer, intermittent/poor electrical grounds, or a defective ignition

    If it happens again, you need to determine which of the 3 things required
    for ignition (fuel/air mixture, compression, and spark) that is not present
    then troubleshoot further from there. Your vehicle also has an OBDII
    computer and you can read the diagnostic code if the check engine light
    was/is lit by turning your ignition key on-off-on-off-on (turn to on but not
    start three times and leave on).

    Bob Shuman, May 12, 2005
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