'96 Plymouth Voyager stalling

Discussion in 'Voyager' started by Joust, Oct 28, 2003.

  1. Joust

    Joust Guest

    I have a '96 Plymouth Voyager - 3.0 engine.It misses often during
    acceleration and stalls occasionally while travelling at highway
    speed. After waiting 15 minutes to an hour it will start again and
    run. Often it will run for several weeks before it fails again.

    I seems to me that it is starving for fuel - with little or no
    pressure on the gas pedal it will continue to run. If I press down on
    the gas pedal it will stall. This seems to happen when the gas tank is
    half full or less.

    This started about this time last year. The last time it was in the
    service station for this problem was May and it has run through the
    summer with some mis-firing but no stalling.

    I have told the mechanics that I thought it was a fuel problem, but
    they always put it on their computer which indicates to them that it
    is an ignition problem.

    After 3 times in the garage trying to resolve this problem the
    following has been done:

    - several time nothing - the van runs fine and they found nothing to

    - replaced spark plugs - fuel filters - distributer cap (twice) -
    spark plug wires - injectors cleaned.

    A Chrysler mechanic said that it may be that because I am using shell
    fuel that this has gummed up the fuel pump - a problem that Shell
    admits can happen but not on this particular vehicle.

    At this point I am about to have the fuel pump changed as nothing else
    that has been done has solved the problem.

    Any suggestion?
    Joust, Oct 28, 2003
  2. Joust

    Geoff Guest

    There's several tests that can be used to determine if the fuel pump is
    indeed faulty, from pressure tests to examining the wave form on its power
    circuit. Find someone who knows what these tests are and have them
    performed before you throw more good money after bad.

    Geoff, Oct 28, 2003
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