96 Plymouth Neon wiring: problem with speakers, blinkers, gauges

Discussion in 'Neon' started by Joseph O'Brien, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. I have a 1996 Plymouth Neon (2.0L SOHC), somewhere between 120K-150K.
    It's giving me some minor electrical trouble, and was hoping to get
    some advice here. Here's a brief history:

    2003 and before:
    - when applying brakes, the left blinker lights up (front, back, and
    console). Giggling the turn signal switch helps. This is still going
    on today.


    -the dash gauges started getting wonky. Now, the speedometer registers
    the correct speed about 25% of the time. Occasionally, none of the
    gauges work at all.

    - right rear blinker/bright light was out. I went to put a new bulb in
    and found that part of the socket had melted and covered one of the
    contact wires. I popped the wire over the melted plastic and the
    original bulb worked fine.


    -the passenger side door was hit while the car was parked on the
    street. Right after the frame shop put a new old door on, I noticed
    that the front speakers did not work when the passenger door was
    closed. They worked fine when open. The shop said there's something
    wrong in the wiring under the console. Now, the front speakers don't
    work at all.

    Do any of the above symptoms seem to be related? I've read a little
    about bad solder joints on these early models, and thought maybe that
    was the problem. If that's the case, I'm pretty comfortable with a
    soldering iron and could probably do myself. I just need to find out
    where the problem actual lies. Where should I look? Would I have to
    pull the dash off? This is an older car, and I don't necessarily want
    to spend a lot on "optional" repairs (after all, I have to save up to
    repair the leaky head gasket!).

    Thanks for any advice.

    Joseph O'Brien, Mar 28, 2006
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