96 plymouth breeze noise with tire rotation

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Lance, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. Lance

    Lance Guest

    Since June 04, our Plymouth Breeze has been making an odd noise on occasion.
    When you apply the brake, you may hear a noise when the brake is released
    and you start to accelerate. It sounds like a flat and it happens with the
    tire rotation. It does not happen all the time.

    Mechanics have replaced the drum, brakes, spring kit, and wheel cylinder on
    passenger rear side, actually all brakes have been done, but they are
    concentrating on the passenger rear side.

    After a few months of it working fine, it started again, taken back to the
    same mechanic, said drum and brakes were both shot, replaced them under
    warranty and thought problems were solved. Well, a few weeks went by(3 to
    be exact) and it started again. Took the car back and they replaced the
    springs again. This time they said they had no idea what was causing this
    to happen.

    Any suggestions on what would be causing the passenger rear wheel to do this
    to the brakes and (I think) causing the clunking, flat tire sound when the
    tire is rotated after applying the brakes?

    Thanks, Lance
    Lance, Jan 11, 2005
  2. Lance

    mic canic Guest

    the brake line has a clamp on it that holds in place to prevent the line from
    rubbing the tire and these can sometimes get clamped on the hose tighter than
    it's suppose to be and the line holds pressure causing the shoes to contact the
    drum when the pedal is not depressed hence the new weak! springs
    mic canic, Jan 12, 2005
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