96 neon speedo

Discussion in 'Neon' started by Mike Anzel, Nov 28, 2004.

  1. Mike Anzel

    Mike Anzel Guest

    I have a 1996 neon highline and have noticed that while driving the speedo
    needle will drop down to "0" and stay there for awhile. The next day it
    will work fine again. Then a day or so latter it will stop working. When
    it has stopped working the odometer also doesn't advance. My mechanic is
    not sure weather it is the speed sensor or some gear connection in the
    transmission since every time I bring it in, it works. Has anyone else had
    this problem? Any ideas?
    Mike Anzel, Nov 28, 2004
  2. Mike Anzel

    maxpower Guest

    More then likely its the printed circuit board of the instument cluster, you
    may have a loose resistor on the board, some times you can hit the top of
    the dash pad and it will kick back on
    maxpower, Nov 28, 2004
  3. Probably your Vehicle Speed and Distance Sensor. They can go intermittent
    like this.

    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 28, 2004
  4. Mike Anzel

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I agree with Dan and have seen this before on two other Chrysler vehicles.
    The OP does not indicate if this is a manual transmission or automatic. If
    automatic, if the speed sensor goes out, then the transmission should go to
    2nd gear/limp mode. Since this is not mentioned, then I presume the vehicle
    is a manual trans or possibly the bad connection is in the instrument
    cluster as another poster suggested.

    Bob Shuman, Nov 29, 2004
  5. Mike Anzel

    Bill 2 Guest

    The 96 Neon has a three speed hydraulic automatic transmission. Doesn't need
    the speed sensor.
    Bill 2, Nov 29, 2004
  6. Nope, the '96 Neon has a 3-speed hydromechanical transmission that has no
    "limp mode" and will continue to operate normally even if the
    speed/distance sensor is flaky.

    Daniel J. Stern, Nov 29, 2004
  7. Mike Anzel

    Delbe Comeau Guest

    I had this problem on 96 Neon. Dealer fixed it under warranty I don't know
    what the fix was. If you gave the dash a sharp rap near steering wheel you
    could make it come and go. I believe it was a dash problem.
    Delbe Comeau, Nov 29, 2004
  8. Mike Anzel

    Bob Shuman Guest

    That explains it then. Thanks.
    Bob Shuman, Nov 29, 2004
  9. Mike Anzel

    Mike Anzel Guest

    Thanks to all who responded to my post. The neon is a AT with only 48,000
    miles. My mechanic went so far as to order the speed sensor even though it
    was working when he checked it out. He wasn't 100% sure that that is what
    will fix it but was 90% sure. I decided not to install it until the speedo
    broke again. After reading through these posts, I will wait until it
    happens again and them rap the dash and see if it comes back. I seem to
    remeber when it did break, I was driving over a bump and it stoped working.
    This could more likely be the insturment cluster then the speed sensor.
    Mike Anzel, Nov 29, 2004
  10. Mike Anzel

    maxpower Guest

    If it happens again and you have cruise control, try using it, if it works
    then you know the speed sensor is working, or if it stays inop for a period
    of time have someone connect a scanner up to see if you have a signal, but i
    have replaced alot of Circuit boards on this model neon in the past for that
    reason, you could probably hit the dash while you are driving to make it
    quit on you also
    maxpower, Nov 29, 2004
  11. Mike Anzel

    Mike Anzel Guest

    Would my mechanic know how to change this cicuit board or would I be better
    off going to the dealer for this repair? Is this an expensive repair?
    Mike Anzel, Nov 30, 2004
  12. Mike Anzel

    maxpower Guest

    i dont no your mechanic, everyone is different, but it is a aimple job to
    do, the board, the last time i priced .....i think was about 200.00. but
    dont hold me to that
    maxpower, Nov 30, 2004
  13. Mike Anzel

    Mike Guest

    Thanks to all who responded to my post. I did exactly what you told me to
    do. The speedo needle just died on me today, and I "slapped" the top of the
    dash board and low and behold, the needle started to work. A few seconds
    latter, it stopped working again so I slapped the dash and it now works
    fine. Your advice saved me from changing the speed sensor. I also told my
    mechanic who said he doesn't feel comfortable with troubleshooting the
    insturment cluster, so I guess I will continue to slapp the damn thing, or
    get a price quote from the rip-off dealer.
    Mike, Jan 9, 2005
  14. Mike Anzel

    Whoever Guest

    I had a similar problem on my Voyager. Driving along, look down at the
    speedo and both it and the tachometer are at zero. Stop and re-start and
    both return to normal operation.

    Some time later, the battery died and the speedo/tacho problem went away
    after I fitted a new battery.
    Whoever, Jan 10, 2005
  15. Mike Anzel

    John_F Guest

    You will need to resolder a couple of power resistors in the cluster.
    A careful inspection will find the discolored solder joints on or next
    to the hot resistors.
    John_F, Jan 11, 2005
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