96 Neon/Head Gasket

Discussion in 'Neon' started by Jody, May 17, 2005.

  1. Jody

    Jody Guest

    Any repair experts here?

    I have a 96 neon that's been leaking for a while (170k km) from a cracked
    head gasket.

    Worth replacing do you think? I'm getting quotes of like 700 cdn. bucks
    pre-tax, which is about all the cars worth anymore.
    The leak itself doesn't appear to be harming the engine, but the oil trail
    is a little embarassing :)

    If i do get it replaced, is there some other parts i should get
    changed/repair as well at the same time?
    I read somewhere that changing the belts(normally $100 parts,$300+ labour )
    would be a good idea as the engine would be ripped apart anyway, so the
    labour would be included above.

    Isn't there any cheap alternatives like wrapping it in tin foil or
    something? :)

    Also been told that the car might not drive the same as everything has to be
    put back perfect, or the car will bust.
    Expert Opinions?
    Jody, May 17, 2005
  2. Jody

    wraithyjeep Guest

    is it worth it is up to you to decide?
    but parts are cheap for a neon and they can go quite awhile i had over
    360000kms on my 95 2 head gaskets.
    make sure you take it to a shop that has experience with neon head gaskets
    they can be tricky.

    be sure the head is machined
    be sure they use the newer mls head gasket some old ones still out there
    avoid them

    get timing belt changed at the same time
    consider replacing water pump as well

    you leak sound like an external engine oil leak ...that is the preference to
    have considering you could have had oil into coolant and coolant into
    cylinder you can try with no guarantee it will work block seal but i have my
    doubts you can by at can tire.
    wraithyjeep, May 17, 2005
  3. Jody

    Steve Guest

    Never ask whether a "repair costs more than the car is worth." Ask "can
    I get a REPLACEMENT car for the same or less as this repair," and then
    ask yourself what kind of junk heap you could buy for $700 CDN.

    Fix the gasket if the rest of the car is in good shape- a head gasket
    isn't a major repair. Probably time for a timing belt also, and you
    might as well do it while you're in there.
    Steve, May 17, 2005
  4. Jody

    Jody Guest

    Thanks for the replies(both this and prev poster)!
    Jody, May 18, 2005
  5. Jody

    Comboverfish Guest

    The Neon 2.0 is pretty good for leaking oil externally from the head
    gasket. It does not cause as much damage over time to drive a car in
    this condition as it does to drive one with a HG leaking coolant
    (especially internally). You will probably find that the repair cost
    total with addons like Tbelt and waterpump will be much less than the
    average used car in better shape. Keep in mind though, the Neon will
    nickel and dime you hard in the next few years. At least the transaxle
    is pretty stout, and I think the engine lower end is OK. It may be
    best to drive it until it falls apart and save for a newer ride.

    Toyota MDT in MO
    Comboverfish, May 18, 2005
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