I have a 96 Chrys LHS. Its catalytic converters are 3, one for each exhaust manifold/bank and one central behind those. The rear/central has been replaced with an aftermarket replacement about a year and a half ago. The two front ones are 'weird' in their configuration and there isn't any aftermarket version available in the sources I've checked. Currently the information obtained from a dealer by a mechanic friend of mine indicated that -1- the dealer didn't have any/either in stock and he would have to 'dig them up' somewhere if necessary and -2- the cost of the two totaled about 00 retail, with one of them priced almost 0 more than the other. They look about the same to simple inspection. If I should come to need one or both of those cats, how does the common man solve such a problem? I've heard that once upon a time there was such a thing as removing a cat and having it rebuilt with certified cat biscuits/interiors. What is the story on that?