'96 Grand Caravan plugs... ick!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Matt Ion, Jun 11, 2006.

  1. Matt Ion

    Matt Ion Guest

    Alright... am I REALLY gonna hafta pull the alternator and throttle body
    to get at the back plugs on this 96's 3.8 liter V6??
    Matt Ion, Jun 11, 2006
  2. Matt Ion

    flobert Guest

    It is a pain, isn't it?
    i believe if you pull the wiper cowling off, its accessable, OR you
    can get at them from underneith.
    flobert, Jun 11, 2006
  3. Matt Ion

    Matt Ion Guest

    Yeah, I found that suggestion on autozone.com... I haven't looked at the
    van with that in mind yet, but I can't imagine that helping thinking
    about how the intake wraps over the plugs.
    Interesting, I'll have to give that a look too... the exhaust manifold
    isn't in the way?

    These plugs are LOOOOOOOOONG overdue for a change in this beast...
    Matt Ion, Jun 12, 2006
  4. Matt Ion

    flobert Guest

    Its not jsut that one. I've gott his 87 with a 3l engine, as well to
    try and check. That one you have to get at from underneith. I should
    pull the plugs in my 97 T+C too. the delivery price sheet says it has
    100k plugs in, its now got 135k on the clock (or thereabouts) and
    probably didn't have the plugs done by the previous owner at 100k
    flobert, Jun 12, 2006
  5. Matt Ion

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I was able to do my '99 3.8L (same design) without removing anything other
    than the alternator bracket. It took a lot of time, but with the right
    extensions and swivels I was able to get to all but the one near the
    alternator from behind/underneath. My arms showed the scars from the pain
    afterward, but the job got done. With the vehicle jacked up on the body
    (not just on stands), there was more room between the engine and the
    firewall to work.

    Good luck.

    Bob Shuman, Jun 14, 2006
  6. Matt Ion

    Matt Ion Guest

    Thanks for the tips, everyone... I ended up being too sick all this past
    weekend to deal with it, so hopefully next weekend I'll be able to give
    it a go.
    Matt Ion, Jun 14, 2006
  7. Bob,

    Can you explain that. What do you mean by jacked up on the body? DO
    you mean stands under the jack points on the unibody rather than on

    Frank Boettcher, Jun 14, 2006
  8. Matt Ion

    Bob Shuman Guest


    I just meant that with the weight of the vehicle supported on the
    body/frame, the front axle and wheels are allowed to drop lower. (As
    compared to if you simply drive the vehicle up on ramps and the full weight
    is still on the wheels so the springs are compressed by the weight of the

    As I recall, the front three plugs (from the front top), plus the rear
    driver's plug (from underneath) took 5-10 minutes. The middle rear took ~30
    minutes of fumbling and swearing (and once I removed the alternator
    bracket), the rear passenger side plug took another 15 minutes or so.

    Good luck and report on your experience to benefit others. Most who have
    done these admit the job is a PITA.

    Bob Shuman, Jun 14, 2006
  9. Bob,

    Thanks, that explains it. I'm going to give it a shot this weekend.
    Will report on the outcome.

    Frank Boettcher, Jun 15, 2006
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