96 Gd. Caravan A/C Noise?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bill, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. Bill

    Bill Guest


    Has anyone had their AC compressor go bad on these vans? Just using
    the AC after recharging (got low over winter), as I've done before.
    But, now when the AC is turned on, the compressor makes a grinding
    noise that sounds like the bearings, or something like that. I've
    owned this van since '99, and havent had a problem like this before.

    Bill, Apr 21, 2008
  2. How often do you have to recharge? To me more often than every few years is
    not normal. You have 2 distinct possibilities here:

    1. Oil is lost with the refrigerant as it seeps out so too many refrigerant
    only charges without adding the proper oil for your system will result in
    the compressor being oil starved and damaged.

    2. You have massively overcharged the system and the noise you are hearing
    is actually liquid refrigerant slugging the compressor. Not sure how likely
    this is on a Chrysler expansion valve (TXV/TEV) system.
    Daniel Who Wants to Know, Apr 21, 2008
  3. Bill

    Bill Guest

    I charged it this week, but havent had to for I believe about 3 years
    now. It's something I've done in the past, but this time the noise.
    Bill, Apr 21, 2008
  4. Bill

    Ron Seiden Guest

    Don't forget that part of A/C servicing is vacuuming out the accumulated
    water, not just recharging refrigerant. If the accumulator gets filled, the
    system gets very unhappy (leading to A/C death...).
    Ron Seiden, Apr 22, 2008
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