96 Concorde check engine light

Discussion in 'Concorde' started by GrtArtiste, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. GrtArtiste

    GrtArtiste Guest

    96 Concorde LXI 3.5 V6 Total mileage 101600, purchased from relative
    3000 miles ago. Since that time has had maintenance including tune up
    (plugs-plug wires-pcv, because I complained about slightly rough idle
    which has improved).

    About 1500 miles ago check engine light comes on, no noticeable problem
    with performance. Took back to mechanic who did tune up. Says light on
    because engine computer recorded "cylinder misfire". Clears code, pours
    a "fuel system cleaner" in fuel tank and says will recheck at no charge
    if light comes back on. Now light is back on. Car had sat idle-not
    driven for previous five days. Still no noticeable problem with
    performance, starts and runs fine, no other issues. Any suggestions on
    what to check next? Thanks in advance.
    GrtArtiste, Sep 10, 2005
  2. GrtArtiste

    maxpower Guest

    More then likely the intake manifold gasket is blown out and causing a lean
    misfire and setting the code. Is the misfire code a #3 0r 6 cyl?
    Also with the car in gear at idle, do you notice a slight lobe or mis?

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Sep 10, 2005
  3. GrtArtiste

    GrtArtiste Guest

    <More then likely the intake manifold gasket is blown out and causing a
    misfire and setting the code. Is the misfire code a #3 0r 6 cyl?
    Also with the car in gear at idle, do you notice a slight lobe or mis?
    I will have to ask which cylinder when I take it back and ask the
    mechanic to check it again. I haven't noticed a slight lobe or mis, but
    I also don't drive it regularly. Is this intake manifold gasket a
    difficult/expensive fix?
    GrtArtiste, Sep 10, 2005
  4. GrtArtiste

    tim bur Guest

    sometimes a bolt can break off in the head and it gets costly then
    does the cruise lite come on while driving even thiough u have it off????
    tim bur, Sep 11, 2005
  5. GrtArtiste

    GrtArtiste Guest

    <does the cruise lite come on while driving even thiough u have it

    No...the cruise is operating normally. What would be the best course of
    action? do an exploratory on the intake manifold or wait and see if
    more serious symptoms appear?
    GrtArtiste, Sep 11, 2005
  6. Use an unlit propane torch, blow propane around the seams of the intake
    manifold at idle, if idle speed changes (meaning the engine is sucking in
    propane through the leak instead of air) then you have a leak there.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Sep 11, 2005
  7. GrtArtiste

    Guest Guest

    You may now have a different problem. There are many diagnostic codes.

    I've had my '95 Concord since 6k miles, now at 80k miles.
    The check engine light has been coming on at random times since I got it.
    The diagnostic code is always "33" related to the air conditioner.
    Dealer can't fix it, I'm having to ignore it.
    My engine and air conditioner run perfectly. My problem is obviously
    intermittent and not serious.

    I suggest you check the diagnostic code when your light comes on.
    To do so, with the engine off turn the ignition key on/off/on/off/on.
    After a slight delay the engine light should flash the recent check
    codes, in number pairs. I believe "55" is end of stored codes, I keep
    the the code list in my car. After a number of starts the codes are
    The full maintenance manual gives the codes and their meaning.
    Guest, Sep 11, 2005
  8. GrtArtiste

    tim bur Guest

    let it ride just keep a eye on it
    tim bur, Sep 11, 2005
  9. GrtArtiste

    tim bur Guest

    that trick won't work on a 3.5

    tim bur, Sep 11, 2005
  10. GrtArtiste

    tim bur Guest

    the dealer can fix u just don't want to spend the money for a new evap. coil
    tim bur, Sep 11, 2005
  11. GrtArtiste

    aarcuda69062 Guest

    Has for me, many times.
    aarcuda69062, Sep 11, 2005
  12. GrtArtiste

    GrtArtiste Guest

    The car was back in the shop for an unrelated problem. Check engine
    light back on, checked codes. New code is P1289 manifold tune valve ckt
    open-short. when originally checked, code was P0306 which was not
    present this time? Any thoughts?

    GrtArtiste, Sep 29, 2005
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