95 vision TSI

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by T Buss, May 7, 2004.

  1. T Buss

    T Buss Guest

    Is there an easy way to set the timing once the timing belt has been
    removed? Are there marks to align on the pulleys? any advice would be
    T Buss, May 7, 2004
  2. T Buss

    Steve Guest

    Well, the BEST advice is to get a factory service manual (or get the
    appropriate info from Alldata.com).

    But in a nutshell, yes there are timing marks. There is a pip on the
    crankshaft timing belt pulley (a bump on the flange nearest the block)
    that is to be aligned with a pointer cast into the timing cover. Its at
    about "1 O-clock" as you face the front of the engine. With the crank in
    that position, the two cams should be aligned so that the indentation
    mark on the front face of each cam gear falls between the the two marks
    on the front edge of the timing case directly above each cam gear. When
    installing the new belt, its very tricky to keep proper tension on it
    all the way through the process. I find that it helps to start with the
    cam gears set just a tad clockwise from the pair of marks- but
    experience helps. Start from the crank gear, hold the belt taut as you
    engage the driver's side cam first, then route the belt under the
    waterpump pulley, engage the passenger's side cam gear (there should be
    NO slop anywhere all the way back to the crank at this point). And then
    finally route the belt around the tensioner pulley and "pull the pin" on
    the hydraulic tensioner to slam the pulley into place. Rotate the engine
    through TWO complete crankshaft revolutions BY HAND (use a wrench on the
    crank pulley) and then re-check to see if the cam marks fall in the
    right position when the crank is at its marker. If they don't remove the
    hydraulic tensioner, compress it with a C-clamp and "arm" it with an
    allen wrench pin, re-install it, and start over).
    Steve, May 7, 2004
  3. T Buss

    T Buss Guest


    A million thanks the information you provided was perfect to allow me
    to get the job done. the only trouble i had was getting the driver
    side cam to stop at the mark. if you ever get near Newmarket, Ont.
    i'll buy you lunch.

    Thank again,

    T Buss, May 8, 2004
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