95 neon clutch peddle isolation?

Discussion in 'Neon' started by Mike, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Any one have any ideas on how hard it would be to isolate the clutch
    peddle in order for it not to be grounded to the body of the car. The
    car does not have to be drivable.
    The plan is to run a 4 gauge wire from spark plug wire #1 to the
    clutch peddle arm. remove the rubber peddle. After that, remove the
    shifter nob and e-brake handle. The steering collum inder the plastic
    is metal and is grounded to the car, so upon attempted start by
    damaging the collum, the driver (thief) may (I think) experience a
    stun gun affect.
    any input on the idea?

    Mike, Sep 1, 2004
  2. Mike

    Steve B. Guest

    Now I don't know many car theives but it would stand to reason they
    will be wearing shoes. If this were even possible and the would be
    thief left his shoes at home the most he would get would be a little
    zap. It ain't fun but its not going to hurt anyone.

    My advice would be to put an alarm on the car and be done with it.
    Your resorting to juvenile tactics with a person who has nothing to
    loose. If you did manage to hurt them in some way they could just set
    fire to it in your driveway or worse.

    Steve B.
    Steve B., Sep 1, 2004
  3. Very difficult. And the word you're after is "pedal". The one you're using
    ("peddle") means "to sell".
    shifter *knob*.
    *column*, *under*.
    Yes: It's a stupid one. Spend more time with a remedial English textbook,
    spend less time worrying about someone stealing your shitty Neon, and
    please NEVER have children.
    Daniel J. Stern, Sep 2, 2004
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