95 caravan stalled will not restart

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by PC Medic, Feb 16, 2004.

  1. PC Medic

    PC Medic Guest

    I have a 95 caravan 3.0 Ltr with about 128k miles on engine. Runs very well
    until last night.

    Was on the way home with the family on the interstate and traffic came to a
    slow stop/go crawl briefly (15 minutes) while an accident was cleared ahead.
    At one point traffic came to a stop and as we started to move again got up
    to about 25mph and suddenly nothing (total loss of power). Coasted in
    neutral and restarted, again begin to accelerate and again just stalled.
    Coasted off to the shoulder and now will turn over, but would not restart.

    Just over 1/4 tank of fuel, No trouble code using ignition method,
    everything looked good under the hood (what you can check standing at the
    side of the road any way).

    I have had it towed to a local garage and they are to look at it this
    morning. Unfortunately this is one problem where they could call and say
    anything from bad coil to blown head gasket (though the gasket would be a
    long shot I think).

    Thinking maybe Fuel Pump, TPS or IAC Motor. Up until the point it stalled
    was running smooth and quiet. Anyone have any ideas what else may be a most
    likely cause.


    PC Medic
    PC Medic, Feb 16, 2004
  2. PC Medic

    Dave Gower Guest

    Looks like most likely a fuel problem, if accelerated briefly. Besides pump,
    you could have a blockage in the tank i.e. a piece of debris sloshing around
    and lodging on the intake. Or your injector could be seizing up. Have you
    cleaned it regularly?

    Tests are simple: pull a plug and check for spark. Open top of throttle body
    and check for fuel injection.
    Dave Gower, Feb 16, 2004
  3. PC Medic

    sidewinder Guest

    Yeah take it to a shop who is actually going to look for the problem instead
    of throwing parts at it till it starts.
    sidewinder, Feb 16, 2004
  4. Always adviseable with a sudden won't start to disconnect the main power
    (either the battery negative terminal or the quick-disconnect on the
    positive cable) for a couple minutes, reconnect, attempt to start the
    vehicle and THEN check the flash codes. Frequently this will turn up a
    code 11, which indicates trouble with the distributor's optical (in the
    3.0) trigger or the wires between the engine control computer and the

    Daniel J. Stern, Feb 16, 2004
  5. Not necessarily.
    No. This is not a '61 Rambler!
    There are six injectors on a 3.0, and it's highly unlikely they're
    "seizing up".
    This, once again, is not a '61 Rambler; pulling a spark plug is schlock.
    It also is not an '88 Aries that has an injector visible by "opening the
    top of the throttle body".

    Daniel J. Stern, Feb 16, 2004
  6. I would start by checking the cam and crank position sensor.....also, the
    fault code didn't appear until after multiple checks.
    harry martinko, Feb 16, 2004
  7. PC Medic

    PC Medic Guest

    Already checked and getting fuel, but no spark.
    PC Medic, Feb 16, 2004
  8. PC Medic

    PC Medic Guest

    Already checked and getting fuel but no spark
    PC Medic, Feb 16, 2004
  9. PC Medic

    Dave Gower Guest

    Huh? I never owned a 61 Rambler but any vehicle (particularly one 9 model
    years old) can have problems with fuel tank debris. It's just less common
    "seizing up".

    Oops, didn't read the post carefully enough . I was thinking of my 92
    Voyager, which had a 2.5 with TB.
    There's nothing wrong with checking for a spark the old-fashioned way. It'll
    tell you real quick.
    Dave Gower, Feb 17, 2004
  10. PC Medic

    eldred30 Guest


    I have an 89 Dodge Grand Caravan with the 3.0L engine. Some years ago,
    while traveling at highway speed, I experienced a sudden engine cutout
    for about a second or two, followed by normal running for about a
    minute until I pulled off the road, and then nothing. It was the fuel
    eldred30, Feb 17, 2004
  11. PC Medic

    PC Medic Guest

    Bingo! Give this man a cigar.

    That's exactly what it turned out to be. Sure was easier (and cheaper) in
    the old days when they were mounted under the hood.

    Thanks to all that replied.
    PC Medic, Feb 18, 2004
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