95 caravan loose

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by rrj, Nov 22, 2005.

  1. rrj

    rrj Guest

    Hello Caravan Enthusiasts,
    Mine finally started giving me problems. When making a fairly sharp right
    turn and at least 40 MPH the rear end feels like my lugs are loose. The van
    has new tires, brakes and bearings. It has been to a mechanic who installed
    new motor mounts, a sway bar, new transmission mounts, removed all tires and
    checked the struts. The van still knocks when going around a corner to the
    right only. He now seems to think the drive shaft is working itself in and
    out. Can this be the problem? I'm a backyard mechanic and can't do no more
    myself. Can anyone help me?
    rrj, Nov 22, 2005
  2. rrj

    maxpower Guest

    Check the rear leaf springs shackle bushings, if they are shot they will
    cause that type of noise.

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Nov 22, 2005
  3. rrj

    jdoe Guest

    Check Ball joints too.
    jdoe, Nov 23, 2005
  4. rrj

    maxpower Guest

    Dumb question here but if the noise is coming from the "rear" why are you
    have all the work done to the front?

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Nov 23, 2005
  5. rrj

    rrj Guest

    Hello Glen,
    Naw. that aint a dumb question. I ask that one too.
    At first I thought I had a broken belt in the rear tire; so I replaced the
    two rear tires, they needed it anyway.
    After that didn't fix the problem I replaced the drum brake pads as they
    were getting half way there and repacked and tightened the rear bearings.
    I just visually checked the rest for anything obviously broken and didn't
    find anything- there really isn't much to the rear.
    I told the mechanic all I had done and I guess that's why he figured it must
    be coming from the front.
    This is kinda crazy but I had my girlfriend drive while I lay in the back
    and the only time I felt the vibration it felt like it came from the
    opposite(passenger side) wheel. It seems my weight had done something.
    P.S. Thanks for the response and advise. rrj
    rrj, Nov 24, 2005
  6. rrj

    maxpower Guest

    Not crazy at all!! I have to do that all the time to find noises. You say
    oppisite passenger side ........vibration, you didnt say front or rear???? I
    would assume you mean the rear and once again, by putting your weight in the
    back may have just diagnoised your problem to those rear leaf spring shackle
    bushings (they are rubber) being bad. If there is weight back there it will
    cause the shackles to not bouch around alot.Thus making the noise go away

    My opinion

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Nov 24, 2005
  7. This is so obvious you probably have already checked it but my 99 T
    & C made a clicking noise in the rear area that turned out to be a
    bent shock mounting bolt. Those lower mounts are exposed and I must
    have hit something at some time. had to look closly to see it but it
    put the shock off center enough so that it had a maddening click at
    low speeds.

    Frank Boettcher, Nov 24, 2005
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