94 Shadow ES 3.0 L overheat

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by pyroonly, Sep 6, 2005.

  1. pyroonly

    pyroonly Guest

    Hi Gang,

    I started to overheat one night and noticed I didnt hear that familiar
    whirr of the fan motor. Sure enough it wasnt coming on. I deliver
    papers with this beast so I do a lot of stop/go thru neighborhoods. It
    will eventually hit 'H' but once I get going down a stretch of highway
    she will cool down.

    I unplugged the temp sensor and the fan motor came on. So I changed the
    sensor. Problem persists. I again unplugged the temp sensor and this
    time the motor didnt start, so I changed the fan motor relay (it had
    been replaced a few years ago, still had the 'made in china' sticker on
    it :) Still no dice.

    I took a look when she is on 'H' and either the fan motor will be
    running (although I suspect not as full speed-is this possible?) or
    I'll nudge the blades and the fan will start turning. Once running
    things stabilize for awhile, but eventually it pushes toward 'H' again
    and will bury the needle if I let it.

    Is the fan motor flaky in some way? I did put battery voltage on it and
    it seems to turn at a good clip.

    Can the AC cutout relay cause such problems? I looked last night and I
    dont believe the compressor engages when I hit the AC (the center
    doesnt rotate- I am assuming this is where the clutch is). I havent
    used the AC in a year as the condensor has a leak I havent had $$ to
    mess with it.

    Where is the AC cutout relay located in the 94 shadow? Is it the same
    part # as the fan relay?

    appurciate any help
    pyroonly, Sep 6, 2005
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