94 Plymouth Voyager minivan = power steering problem

Discussion in 'Voyager' started by N. Nayar, Apr 10, 2005.

  1. N. Nayar

    N. Nayar Guest

    Recently, I drove my old 94 Voyager minivan into a deep puddle of water
    which was on the right side of the van i.e. only the right side/tires of
    the van went into the puddle. As the minivan emerged from the puddle,
    the "check gages" lite went on, and after a few seconds, the power
    steering completely failed. Luckily, I am six feet and quite strong
    enough to turn the steering wheel without the power steering. However,
    driving the $%$#@ van now is scary. Any help on what I can do to fix the
    problem? Please email me at nnayar"at"ptd.net (please replace the "at"
    with the @ sign, or post in this forum.

    Thanks for your help.
    N. Nayar, Apr 10, 2005
  2. N. Nayar

    maxpower Guest

    Yea, your belt fell off, check for proper alignment of the belt tensioner
    and if it is seized or crooked replace both the belt and tensioner. The belt
    drives the alternator and water pump, if you continue to drive it... it will

    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Apr 10, 2005
  3. N. Nayar

    N. Nayar Guest

    Glenn - You called it! The belt was totally off!!!
    When I reached in to try and wiggle it back, it came out in my hands.
    Now,... what do I do? Is there anything I can do to put it back on?
    Or does it need professional help? How difficult is it to put it back on?
    Many thanks.
    N. Nayar, Apr 10, 2005
  4. N. Nayar

    N. Nayar Guest

    Forgot to add that it is the 3.3L engine

    N. Nayar, Apr 10, 2005
  5. N. Nayar

    maxpower Guest

    If you are not familiar with the set up, I would have someone else put it
    back on for you that knows the system, that way they can see if it is in
    proper alignment, otherwise it will fall off again
    maxpower, Apr 11, 2005
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