94 lhs stop lights

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Ken Weitzel, May 7, 2007.

  1. Ken Weitzel

    Ken Weitzel Guest


    Wonder if anyone who has a 94 lhs/ny'er handy might do
    me a favor and take a look at the brake lights with the
    4 ways flashing? Or perhaps a turn signal?

    Reason for wondering is that with mine only the bottom
    segment of the two bulb system illuminates with brake/
    turn/4 way's operating - and both the upper and lower
    segments have dual filament bulbs and wiring. Both come
    on with parking lights.

    Can't figure why Chrysler would have installed wiring,
    sockets, and bulbs for both if they were only going to
    use one?

    Thanks, and take care.

    Ken Weitzel, May 7, 2007
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