94 LHS code 23 in ATC

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jerry Ross, Jan 23, 2006.

  1. Jerry Ross

    Jerry Ross Guest

    Approximately where under the dashboard is the blend door for the heater is
    located in a 94 LHS Chrysler? I get a code 23 in the ATC unit consistently,
    even after I reset the system by disconnecting the battery. I am freezing
    RRRRRRR! Thx. :)
    Jerry Ross, Jan 23, 2006
  2. Jerry Ross

    Joe Guest

    The temperature controller is the one closest to the firewall. It's right in
    the middle of the car. You need to look under the heater assembly in the
    middle of the car. There are two of them there, and the other motor down
    there is the "mode" controller.
    Joe, Jan 23, 2006
  3. Jerry Ross

    maxpower Guest

    It is the bottom one at the center of the housing.
    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    maxpower, Jan 23, 2006
  4. Jerry Ross

    Jerry Ross Guest

    What do I need to tear down to get to it? Thanks
    Jerry Ross, Jan 23, 2006
  5. Jerry Ross

    Joe Guest

    You can see it if you remove the plastic baffle under the driver's side
    dash. In fact you can see it from either side. It's got 3 screws holding it
    on, but they all do, that's not a distinguishing feature.
    Joe, Jan 24, 2006
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