94 Intrepid 3.5L - NAPA Echlin O2 sensor superceded by Bosch

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Old Car, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. Old Car

    Old Car Guest

    Based on postings in this newsgroup, I tried to get NAPA Echlin O2 sensors.
    Their computer showed that the Echlin part had been superceded by a Bosch
    part. Do you think the Bosch part is OK? Should I go to a Chrysler dealer
    for it instead? Any other manufacturers OK?
    Old Car, Mar 17, 2005
  2. No, the Bosch part is not OK, unless you want to do the job again (and
    again, and again) in short order. You can still get Echlin O2 sensors from
    NAPA, you just have to specifically ask for them. The application info is
    in the NAPA Echlin application book, which means the counterman may have
    to get up off his tush, away from the computer, and actually open the
    book. Or you can save him the hassle and tell him to order you an Echlin
    Chrysler dealer will sell you a good one at a high price. It will probably
    be an NTK, which you can buy less expensively (P/N 23023) from www.ngk.com
    or another source. Other good brands are Standard-BlueStreak, AC and

    Daniel J. Stern, Mar 17, 2005
  3. Old Car

    Old Car Guest


    Are the NTK spark plugs (7252) OK?

    Old Car, Mar 17, 2005
  4. NGK (spark plugs) and NTK (O2 sensors), same company. I like NGK plugs.
    Daniel J. Stern, Mar 17, 2005
  5. Old Car

    Bill Putney Guest

    Daniel - I've taken to heart your comments in the past about Bosch O2
    sensors not doing well in Chrysler products in general. However, I'm
    pretty sure I've seen posts on LH forums (from people that should know)
    that the LH cars came from the factory with Bosch O2 sensors (and they
    don't seem to be a problem until close to 100k miles (judging from the
    same forums) - in fact my Concorde still has the original sensors and
    runs fime and gets good gas mileage. How can that be?

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    adddress with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Mar 17, 2005
  6. Bosch OEM O2 sensors are not the same as the aftermarket ones.

    Daniel J. Stern, Mar 18, 2005
  7. Old Car

    maxpower Guest

    Bill you are correct, they have been using Bosch 02 sensors for awhile now,
    I dont think Chrysler makes there 02 sensors.
    maxpower, Mar 18, 2005
  8. Old Car

    Steve Guest

    But the "OEM" Bosch part is apperently not at all the same as the
    aftermarket branded Bosch part. Bosch's operations for OEM and
    aftermarket apparently don't have very much to do with each other.
    Steve, Mar 21, 2005
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