94 eagle talon

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by kositpang, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. kositpang

    kositpang Guest

    hey i have a 1.8L eagle talon....i think there is something wrong with
    the alternator..but not sure...i start it up and let it run for like 2
    min...and cut it back off and then try to start it again...it turn
    slowly and stop...i dont know whats wrong...can anyone help me....thanks
    kositpang, Oct 4, 2006
  2. kositpang

    Lurker Guest

    94 Eagle Talon 1.8L owner here.

    It isn't the alternator if you can start it the first time (if the battery
    had not been removed it was charged which is one of the functions of the

    I would suspect compression issues - maybe head gasket.

    I would start it up, let it run as you did before, turn it off then loosen
    all the plugs (no need to take them out but let them be loose)..
    Try starting it again (it won't start). If it turns over easily then there
    may have been too much compression.

    If so check the oil and oil filler cap. If it looks slightly brown and a
    little like chocolate then coolant is leaking into the oil.
    Lurker, Oct 5, 2006
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