'94 Concorde heater core

Discussion in 'Concorde' started by JohnC, Sep 21, 2003.

  1. JohnC

    JohnC Guest

    Need to replace it.Where is it located under dash? Anyone have hands-on
    JohnC, Sep 21, 2003
  2. JohnC

    JohnC Guest

    Do you think maybe i should first add some antifreeze stop leak,see if that
    stops the windshield moisture.
    JohnC, Sep 21, 2003
  3. JohnC

    Alex Guest

    From my experience you will need to remove up and bottom part of dashboard
    (took about 3 hours in my case), evacuate AC (go to AC shop) because you
    will need to remove a housing that encloses AC AND heater, drain coolant,
    disconnect hoses... Big work. Would be nice to have a shop manual.

    Alex, Sep 21, 2003
  4. JohnC

    Sam Man Guest

    It requires complete removal of the I/P, and HVAC Unit...
    Sam Man, Oct 1, 2003
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