94 Caravan Starter "shim"?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Sara Brown, Feb 25, 2008.

  1. Sara Brown

    Sara Brown Guest

    Hello...I am still having the same problem with my Caravan as a month
    or two ago..You turn the key and solenoid clicks but that`s
    all..Usually after 5-20 times it will start..We`ve gone down the list
    and checked all the normal stuff and nothing has fixed it (Battery,
    ground, starter motor, relay..etc)..Today some guy at the 7-11 said he
    had the problem once and the starter motor needed to be
    "shimmed"..I`ve never heard of this..Any input will be appreciated
    Sara Brown, Feb 25, 2008
  2. Sara Brown

    Steve Guest

    Shimming a starter that binds is a Chevrolet design deficiency that was
    ubiquitous in the 70s and 80s. The Nippondenso starter in your Caravan
    needs new solenoid contacts.
    Steve, Feb 25, 2008
  3. Sara Brown

    kmath50 Guest

    Yes. See if you can find a way to just replace the contacts, instead
    of the whole starter. An independent auto electric shop may be able to
    do it. If you can remove the starter yourself, you can save on some

    kmath50, Feb 25, 2008
  4. Sara Brown

    Bob Shuman Guest

    The parts you need are here:


    This is a link that Bill Putney posted previously and has excellent prices.
    You will only need two of the contacts and the contact plunger, but this kit
    with 4 contacts fits other Nippondenso starters used in other vehicles too.

    You need to get under the vehicle to remove the starter. This is about a
    thirty minute job for
    someone who knows what they are doing. Once the starter is out, it is
    fairly trivial to open the solenoid and replace these parts. If you clean
    everything up and reverse the procedure,you should get another 5-6
    years/5-75K miles from the repaired starter. The motors themselves are very
    well made and generally do not fail very often. The solenoid contacts, on
    the other hand, get consumed a little bit by the large inrush current every
    time you start the vehicle.

    Good luck.


    PS Here is another web site with good photos that show the damage to the
    contacts over time and also offer just the contacts themselves and not the
    plunger too:


    Yes. See if you can find a way to just replace the contacts, instead
    of the whole starter. An independent auto electric shop may be able to
    do it. If you can remove the starter yourself, you can save on some

    Bob Shuman, Feb 25, 2008
  5. Sara Brown

    Mike Y Guest

    I had an 88 with the starter that had the solenoid contacts easily
    on the starter. I went to order new when the starter quit about 350 miles
    from home, but they were 'out of them'. Anyway, there was a 'bar' in the
    assembly that was very pitted on one side, so when I put it back together
    I flipped it over the clean side. It worked fine, and while I bought the
    when I got home, the new bar and the two bolts were still in a baggie in
    the glove box when the van was gotten rid of almost 100K miles later.

    Might pay to take it apart and actually see what's going on, and what
    could easily be done.
    Mike Y, Feb 25, 2008
  6. Sara Brown

    kurt Guest

    If you've got the 3.3 or the 3.8 L engine, make sure the battery to
    starter cable is making good connection at the starter. There's a TSB
    08-53-94 out there describing how to cut some of the insulating
    material away from terminal insulator on the starter end of the cable.
    kurt, Feb 25, 2008
  7. Sara Brown

    Sara Brown Guest

    Thank you to all the nice people who replied to my post..I got the
    solenoid repair kit today and replaced the contacts and plunger and so
    far the van has been starting just fine! :)
    Sara Brown, Feb 25, 2008
  8. Sara Brown

    kmath50 Guest

    I am curious to know where you purchased the repair kit. Is it a pre-
    package kit that can be purchased at auto part stores?


    kmath50, Feb 26, 2008
  9. Sara Brown

    Sara Brown Guest

    I am curious to know where you purchased the repair kit. Is it a pre-
    I got mine at the alternator/starter repair place I pass along my
    delivery route as we do business with them sometimes and they had them
    in stock...But you can get them at Advance Auto Parts..I tried Advance
    first as there is one right across the street from my store but the
    guy said he didn`t have one in stock but could have it the next day
    for $12.95...It comes with the plunger and 4 copper contacts although
    you only need 2 as someone mentioned...I paid more at the auto
    electric place but didn`t want to wait another day as my brother
    wouldn`t shut up about the van taking so long to start...LOL
    Sara Brown, Feb 26, 2008
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