94 Caravan 3.0L Engine

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bandwidth, Feb 25, 2004.

  1. Bandwidth

    Bandwidth Guest

    Does anyone know where the tempature gauge needle is suppose to be at? When
    I drive it's at the second line and when I am sitting at a light or idleing
    it will go up to almost half. Just wondering what is normal for this car.

    Bandwidth, Feb 25, 2004
  2. Bandwidth

    David Allen Guest

    Sitting at idle the gauge will steadily increase until its about 2/3's of
    the way to red-line. Then the radiator fan should turn on. It will stay on
    until the gauge decreases to about 1/3 of the way to red-line. Then the
    cycle starts again. Of course when you're driving you get the benefit of
    air cooling the radiator all the time and the temp should stay below 1/2 in
    normal conditions. Abnormal conditions are hot days running the A/C, long
    climbs up a hill and towing heavy loads. Another abnormal condition is
    something is broken.
    David Allen, Feb 26, 2004
  3. Bandwidth

    Bandwidth Guest

    Thank You. The reason I asked is because it was almost at half and the fan
    wouldn't kick on. We turned the Air on and the fan kicked right on. It
    wouldn't kick on otherwise. It's 32 degreese here. This clears up alot for

    Bandwidth, Feb 26, 2004
  4. Bandwidth

    David Allen Guest

    Good. One thing to remember is that there are two fans. One to cool the
    radiator (fan controlled by coolant temp) and one to cool the freon in the
    condensor (fan turns on when A/C is activated).
    David Allen, Feb 26, 2004
  5. Bandwidth

    robs440 Guest

    i dont think its for cooling freon......its got 134a in it anyway

    its more for the extra heat the engine creates when the A/C is on.
    robs440, Feb 26, 2004
  6. Bandwidth

    Mike Behnke Guest

    The second fan's main objective is to remove heat from the 134 after
    it leaves the compressor, as well as add additional cooling capability
    for the engine due to the added load of the compressor.

    OP will need to dig deeper into this to find reason main fan is not
    engaging. Most likely either fan relay or fan has gone south.
    Mike Behnke, Feb 26, 2004
  7. Bandwidth

    David Allen Guest

    Au contraire. The purpose of the fan is to remove as much heat as possible
    from the r134a (or r12 or whatever's in there). The A/C compressor
    pressurizes the refrigerant, which heats it up dramatically. Passing it
    through the condensor IS the opportunity to remove that heat. Unlike
    coolant, refrigerant in auto A/C systems can't be cool enough so the fan is
    on all the time.
    David Allen, Feb 26, 2004
  8. Bandwidth

    clare Guest

    Actually, it IS to cool the condensor - freon, R22, R124, whatever you
    want to call it, needs to be cooled to condense. On some vehicles the
    rad and condenser are side by side. On others the condenser is ahead
    of the rad. Either way, the "condenser" fan comes on any time the AC
    compressor is running, or the AC is turned on - regardless of engine
    The "cooling " fan comes on when engine coolant temperature reaches a
    set point.
    clare , Feb 26, 2004
  9. Bandwidth

    clare Guest

    More likely, at 32 degrees F the engine coolant is not getting warm
    enough to turn the fan on.
    clare , Feb 26, 2004
  10. Bandwidth

    Bandwidth Guest

    I only see 1 fan. My 88 Plymoth Voyarger had 2 radiators. One for cooling
    and one for Regular. Each one had it's own fan. This one has one big one
    with one Radiator. If there is another one where is it?

    Bandwidth, Feb 26, 2004
  11. Bandwidth

    robs440 Guest

    well if all you guys say thats what its for i'll go with it. AC was never
    my forte anyway!
    robs440, Feb 27, 2004
  12. Bandwidth

    clare Guest

    Not sure of 94 Caravans, but SOME vehicles have 2 speed fans.
    clare , Feb 28, 2004
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