93 town and country

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Richard Seibert, Nov 26, 2004.

  1. There is a hesitation when you start out until you hit 3000 rpm's then it
    will take off. you can also hear some pinging. Is it the timing belt or what
    else could it be!!! I've replace the ignition coil box, plugs and wires, erg
    valve, fuel filter the O2 sensor. I am now out of Ideas except for the
    timing. Is there other sensors that it could be?????????
    Richard Seibert, Nov 26, 2004
  2. Richard Seibert

    damnnickname Guest

    Dont see anywhere on here what engine it is?? Have you checked fuel
    damnnickname, Nov 26, 2004
  3. Richard Seibert

    jdoe Guest

    Are there any codes? If not try the crankshaft sensor. These will cause some
    strange behavior. YOur tach will jump alot too when the motor misbehaves.
    jdoe, Nov 27, 2004
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