'93 Concorde stalling

Discussion in 'Concorde' started by Jon Guidry, Oct 21, 2003.

  1. Jon Guidry

    Jon Guidry Guest

    Hi there -

    I have a '93 Chrysler Concorde 3.3L - I really don't want to get rid
    of it any time soon because I just paid a bundle to have the
    transmission fixed... 80,000 miles.

    My wife recently had some interesting things happen to her, and I'm
    wondering if there is any commonalities that might point to something
    to look at.

    Last night, her power steering went completely out when the car
    completely died and it was hard for her to steer. She restarted the
    car and it worked again and told me that the entire car (AC and radio
    included) were dead, and the only thing on was a battery light on the
    dash. Today, while she was in traffic, it stalled on her twice. Once
    again the entire vehicle lost power (she said the radio and the AC
    blower went off too.)

    The ECM has a few different codes in it... Code 12 (Memory lost),
    Code 11 (engine not cranked since last reset), and Code 21 (Oxygen
    Sensor). [And of course, the obligatory code 55]. I just had the
    oxygen sensor (or one of them) replaced last year, so if part of this
    is indeed the O2 sensor, it's the one I didn't change.

    Does anyone have any ideas on where to start looking? The battery is
    new in this car (less than a year old). She said that the starter
    didn't "whine" like it was a dead battery when she tried to start it,
    and today, she said she tried a few times before it would finally

    This car is nice, but I tell you - it's a maintenance nightmare. I've
    had the transmission overhauled, have a leak in the AC where I have to
    charge it every year, low speed radiator fan went out one time, leaks
    in the valve and oil pan gaskets, you name it!! I can't wait to get
    rid of it. :)

    Please e-mail me back at jon==guidry!!!!!org (replace == with @ and
    !!!!! with .) or reply in this NG.

    Jon Guidry, Oct 21, 2003
  2. Sounds like some sort of intermittent in the charging system. When the
    garaged changed the transmission they might have loosened up a ground
    wire or some such and forgot to retighten it. Or maybe the alternator is
    having problems.

    If it were my car, before doing any serious troubleshooting
    I would remove the alternator and take it to a auto parts
    place and have them put it on an alternator tester, just to make sure that
    there's no problems. I'd also make a careful visual inspection of all
    wiring looking for loose, or pinched, or chafed wires somewhere.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Oct 21, 2003
  3. Jon Guidry

    Bob Shuman Guest

    I'd suggest you start by making sure that the serpentine belt (which drives
    the power steering pump and the alternator too) is still intact. Given the
    description that the steering wheel got hard to turn, coupled with the
    electrical problems, I'd say there is a good chance the belt is either
    slipping badly or broke completely. (It's not clear if the power steering
    stayed bad after the car re-started from your description)

    If this is the case, it is a fairly simple fix, but do it before that new
    battery gives out from lack of charging.

    Good luck!

    Bob Shuman, Oct 22, 2003
  4. Jon Guidry

    Jon Guidry Guest

    Actually, I just had this happen to me yesterday... the car just died
    in traffic. My wife was misstaken however - the power was still
    running (still had radio and blower). Checked the codes, still had
    that nagging 21 and 11 (O2 sensor and Camshaft not detected.) I was
    lucky because it died right next to an auto parts store. Someone
    nudged me in their parking lot and I got a crankshaft sensor and put
    it in - so far it seems to be working.

    I disconnected the battery, reconnected it five minutes later, and now
    all I have is a 12 and 55 (the normal codes). Let's hope this fixed

    Jon Guidry, Oct 27, 2003
  5. Jon Guidry

    Mike Behnke Guest

    Cam position sensor going bad. Fairly simple, inexpensive fix.
    Mike Behnke, Oct 27, 2003
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