93 caravan transmission: no reverse

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Sep 7, 2003.

  1. I took the tranny out of my 93 caravan and replaced it with one from the
    junkyard. It drives flawlessly as long as I am going forward, but it
    doesn't go in reverse at all. Is there something I can do to correct
    this without taking the transmission out? If I have to swap again,
    that's OK, because everything purchased from this particular junkyard
    has a 30 day guarantee. (not bad for a $70 transmission!)

    Because it's Sunday afternoon I'm going to take a rest on this project
    until next weekend. I drive a 150 mile delivery route around the city
    every day for work. Would I be stupid to drive this van to work this
    Robbie and Laura Reynolds, Sep 7, 2003
  2. Robbie and Laura Reynolds


    BACKNCARDR, Sep 8, 2003
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