93 Caravan heater core

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Opus-, Dec 2, 2006.

  1. Opus-

    Opus- Guest

    Hi there.

    You people seem to really know your stuff so I'd like to pick your
    brains, if nobody minds.

    I seem to have a front heater core leak in my 93 Dodge Grand Caravan
    with air. I have no problem doing this kind of repair myself, however,
    I have been informed that the entire dash has to be removed and from
    the look of things, this seems to be very true.

    My question is, does the dash have to be completely removed or can it
    be "un-bolted" and lifted up enough for the heater assembly to clear?
    I'd like to minimize my work load as much as possible. The van is in
    very good condition so I would like to keep it on the road for a

    Has anybody done this before? Anybody know of a simpler way, short of
    a reciprocating saw? ;-)

    All help and advice much appreciated.

    (Jim, single dad to Lesleigh [Autistic] 04/20/94)

    "What, Me Worry?" A. E. Newman

    Please note: All unsolicited e-mail sent to me may, at
    my discretion, be posted in this newsgroup verbatim.
    Opus-, Dec 2, 2006
  2. Yes there is a simpler way although you may not like it.

    You can purchase for about $150 an "auxiliary space heater" from JC Whitney
    that uses engine coolant. You would go into the engine compartment and
    cut off the hoses to the exiting heater core then run new hoses to holes in
    the floor that you would pass into the passenger compartment and plumb into
    your space heater.

    They also sell cheaper space heaters that are electric.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Dec 4, 2006
  3. Opus-

    jed Guest

    what happens if you want to use the defroster???????????????????

    jed, Dec 4, 2006
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