93 Caravan Computer problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by OrigDirtyOldMan, Sep 18, 2006.

  1. I'm hoping someone has heard of this problem.
    Drove my '93 caravan, 3.3, 4sp auto, 200K miles through a puddle and it
    started misfiring. (I thought time for new wires). Next day she fired up
    fine and drove fine for a week. And then it rained. She died after going
    through a puddle. I believe the speedo jumped from 30 to 60MPH then bounced
    down to 0, then back to normal (it does not have a speed sensor, I think
    this is from the computer putting it in neutral while dieing). Then the
    check engine light blinks once, then its dead. Cranks but won't start.
    Went ahead and replace the wires and coil. Engine code shows code 42, Auto
    Shut Down. Diagnostics computer shows crank senor good, cam sensor good,
    Auto shut down "ON". Computer won't reset. Disconnect battery, won't
    reset. Disconnect computer, won't reset. Disconnect/connect crank sensor,
    car fires one cylinder then "ASD". Replace both crank and cam sensors with
    known good sensors, fires once, then ASD. Replace the computer with a known
    good one. Car starts and runs. Yea! Runs fine for 19 miles and I hit a
    puddle. ASD!!!!!!! Disconnect and reconnect good computer, nothing.
    disconnect/connect sensors, fires once then nothing. Take good computer
    out, put bad computer in, it starts. (@#$%) Idles fine, revs up fine. put
    it in gear, idles fine, hit the gas it starts bucking then ASD (more @#$%).

    Three questions.
    1. Has anyone heard of this? Any guesses?
    2. Could it be the tranny wiring harness is getting wet? If so, does
    anyone know the wire colors of the crank sensor?
    3. Right after it died the last time, I heard a very faint whinny alarm
    sound coming out from between the battery and the tranny. It was not coming
    from the computer, the tranny computer, nor the shift control module on the
    tranny. It stopped when I turn the van off and back on. Does anyone know
    what this alarm is?

    Thanks to all who answer.
    OrigDirtyOldMan, Sep 18, 2006
  2. OrigDirtyOldMan

    NewMan Guest

    The common element is water. You have an electrical problem. This is
    NOT a computer problelm. Water is shorting something out.

    In days gone by I have had water splashing on bad high-voltage
    ignition components like plug wires and shorting out the system. In my
    older cars, it caused rough running first, and then it would stall
    under load.

    So start with the simple stuff. remove and inspect your plug wires one
    at a time. But if these are the original wires... time for a change.

    Otherwise, start looking at wires and connectors. Look for worn
    insulation and corroded contacts.

    Good luck. Sometimes these are hard to find.
    NewMan, Sep 18, 2006
  3. In my msg, I had said that I replaced the plug wires and coil. This is
    not a ignition problem. I can hot wire the coil. The computer is not
    sending the fire referance signal to the coil, it has also turned off
    the fuel pump (solved with either or hot wiring the relay). This is
    because the "COMPUTER" has tripped the "AUTOMATIC SHUT DOWN" relay
    (code 42). The computer believes the engine is unsafe to start. The
    purpose of the code is to shut the engine down if the timing belt
    breaks. The 3.3 uses a chain and I can watch it through the cam sensor
    hole and it is fine. I've also found messages from others with the ASD
    / fire once after reset problem. However the fix was never posted. In
    their msgs they don't mention water. There were some referances to the
    oxygen sensor. But the manuals say the ASD turns off the O2 heater not
    the other way around. I do not think the problem is the water, but
    the coldness of the water is pissing something off.

    I took all the engine and tranny connectors apart and sprayed
    electrical cleaner. I did a visual inspection of the wires where they
    were visable and where they enter the connectors. However this does
    not tell me if the wire has burned out inside the connector shell.
    Before trying to re"pin" all 96 connector ends, 120 computer ends, and
    ?? sensor ends, I would prefer to chase down one set of wires. And
    before cutting open the wiring harnesses to do an end to end test, I
    would like to know the most likely villians (crank sensor wires?).
    This also does not explain why the "$15,000 Snap-On" diagnostic
    computer showed good signals on the wiring.
    origdirtyoldman, Sep 18, 2006
  4. P.S.
    The computer will also trip the ASD if the fuel presure drops. I have
    ran a hot lead to the ASD causing it to engage which allows the fuel
    pump to energize. The pump runs and has good volume. I have 3/4 tank
    of gas. The hot lead also energizes the coil. I have good 12 volts
    and ground on the coil. Just not the referance signal.
    origdirtyoldman, Sep 18, 2006
  5. OrigDirtyOldMan

    bllsht Guest

    The "$15,000 Snap-On" diagnostic tool tells you what it sees. Common
    sense is supposed to be supplied by the person "operating" the tool.

    How many times does the PCM have to tell you that it's detected a
    problem in the ASD circuits before you check those circuits out?
    bllsht, Sep 18, 2006
  6. Right off the bat.... replace the ASD relay...... My van did a similar
    thing.... ASD relay had gotten water in it and corroded the contacts.

    Now, I dont know if the 93 has the same layout as the 94 (which is
    what I have), and the ASD is in the power distribution/relay block...
    unbolt it and remove the bottom and check the contacts and wires. I
    checked this area on my van, and found a few wires backing out of
    their terminals.

    Have you cleaned the contacts in the harness that plugs into the PCM?
    Try that and see if it helps.

    The Snap-On scanner (weither it be a Solus, Modus, or the MT2500) can
    only tell you what the PCM of the van tells it.
    Homer Simpson, Oct 24, 2006
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