93 Caravan 3.0L No spark

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by randall5230, Dec 12, 2006.

  1. randall5230

    randall5230 Guest

    Drove my van home one night just fine, parked it, shut off and went
    inside. Next day, absolutely no fire whatsoever. Cranks fine, battery
    good, but no fire in the wires. Thought the coil suspect, so replaced,
    but no help. Seems lack of juice is coming prior to the coil. Please
    give me some insight as to what I need to be looking at before I start
    looking at the computer. I appreciate any and all thoughts. Thanks
    randall5230, Dec 12, 2006
  2. randall5230

    kmatheson Guest

    First off, I would suggest checking for any codes using the key on/off
    as described on allpar.com. It could be any of the following:

    1. Fuel pump relay not getting signal from magnetic pick up in
    so it's not turning on the fuel pump.

    2. Camshaft or crankshaft sensor not signaling correctly.

    3. Distributor rotor.

    4. Broken timing belt, or belt has slipped a tooth or two.

    Again, I would suggest seeing if any codes are stored as a starting
    There is a complete section for trouble shooting the 3.0 on allpar.com.

    kmatheson, Dec 12, 2006
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