92 new yorker oil pressure problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bluewolf115, Feb 15, 2004.

  1. bluewolf115

    bluewolf115 Guest

    i have a 92 new yorker with 3.3 engine. car was fine till wife hit a deer and smashed front end. radiator is gone but engine still runs fine. well while waiting on replacement parts i have started the car from time to time, just for 5 minutes or less beings it has no water in engine, to keep battery good and charged and to keep things well oiled. well the last time i started it i noticed a light saying check gauges. i did and found the oil pressure gauge below the lowest point, no oil pressure! i thought it might just be a bad gauge or a wire to gauge not getting contact somewhere. so i let it run for 3 or 4 minutes and engine started to really make a loud tapping noise coming from lifters. now i know i have no oil pressure for sure. i turned engine off. what would have caused this to just happen out of the blue? would a oil sending unit be the problem? has my oil pump just quit working? everything worked fine till this point. oil has always been changed every 3,000 miles.
    bluewolf115, Feb 15, 2004
  2. Running an engine, even for a short time, with no water in it is a bad
    idea. Even in five minutes you could get localized hot spots well above
    what is normal.

    Is the oil problem related? Maybe, maybe not, can't tell from a
    distance. Have you checked the obvious ... does it still have oil in
    it? The wreck might have put a pinhole in the oil filter since it is on
    the front of the engine right behind the radiator. I can't think of any
    other obvious places that could easily have developed a leak in a deer
    collision, but there may be something I'm not thinking of.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Feb 15, 2004
  3. bluewolf115

    D. E. Smith Guest

    Check the wiring to the oil pressure guage. It is located on the front of
    the engine next to the oil filter. The wire may have been broken, or the
    impact from collision could have disconnected the wire from the sender.

    deer and smashed front end. radiator is gone but engine still runs fine.
    well while waiting on replacement parts i have started the car from time to
    time, just for 5 minutes or less beings it has no water in engine, to keep
    battery good and charged and to keep things well oiled. well the last time i
    started it i noticed a light saying check gauges. i did and found the oil
    pressure gauge below the lowest point, no oil pressure! i thought it might
    just be a bad gauge or a wire to gauge not getting contact somewhere. so i
    let it run for 3 or 4 minutes and engine started to really make a loud
    tapping noise coming from lifters. now i know i have no oil pressure for
    sure. i turned engine off. what would have caused this to just happen out of
    the blue? would a oil sending unit be the problem? has my oil pump just quit
    working? everything worked fine till this point. oil has always been changed
    every 3,000 miles.
    D. E. Smith, Feb 15, 2004
  4. bluewolf115

    bluewolf115 Guest

    well i dont see as it would hurt running a car for a short period without water. just sitting idling. after all it takes longer than that for the thermostat to open up and cool an engine anyhow. so if it had water in it, and ran for 5 minutes, it would still not have flowing cool water yet. as for oil level. yes its full. i do know to check the oil and it has no leaks
    bluewolf115, Feb 15, 2004
  5. bluewolf115

    bluewolf115 Guest

    wiring is fine at sending unit. would a bad unit cause it not to have oil pressure? i know it controls the gauge so it would show no pressure there. but would the engine have no oil pressure if the unit was bad?
    bluewolf115, Feb 15, 2004
  6. bluewolf115

    D. E. Smith Guest

    I would think if the engine had no oil pressure.. you're definitely not
    running the engine for much longer. I have had bad sender units where after
    replacing them I had oil pressure registering once again. If there is oil in
    the pan, then you may have a bad sender.

    pressure? i know it controls the gauge so it would show no pressure there.
    but would the engine have no oil pressure if the unit was bad?
    D. E. Smith, Feb 15, 2004
  7. bluewolf115

    Howard Guest

    I can think of no reason to run a car for a short period of time (under a
    few minutes) and not get to operating temp.
    un-burned fuel, condensation to name a few reasons........side from no water
    in the engine/radiator
    Safer and better to buy a trickle/ 2or more amp battery charger and use it.h
    Howard, Feb 15, 2004
  8. Because water has a much higher heat capacity than air. Even if the
    water can't circulate, it takes a lot of heat to heat up water. With
    just air in the water jackets, the metal has nothing to transfer heat
    to. The cylinder walls are quite thin in spots and with just air to
    transfer the heat to, they could get very hot in even 5 minutes of idling.

    I can't think right off-hand how this would affect your oil pressure
    assuming it still has sufficient oil in it, however, you may well have
    lost the temper in your rings from overheating them and you may have an
    oil consumption problem once you get the car back on the road. There
    are much better ways to keep the battery charged than running a dry engine.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Feb 15, 2004
  9. bluewolf115

    bluewolf115 Guest

    true on the heat. bu i have also seen demo derby cars run wide open for awhile with out water, pull the engine and use it in a different vehical on the road and it would run great. i know with these smaller engines i woudnt do that with all the aluminum parts and thin walls like you mentioned. i know there are better ways to keep a batery charged but by running the engine i figured i would save seals from drying out. car has been siting almot a year. almost impossible to find front end parts at salvage yard as its that darn salon model. as far as engine having oil in it, yes its completly full. and when it was run last there was no smoke, no leaks.
    bluewolf115, Feb 16, 2004
  10. bluewolf115

    bluewolf115 Guest

    ok well i tell ya i dont know what to think now. i just started car again to position it for getting worked on, get it out of snow. well i started it now it has oil pressure and tapping went away. whats going on with it? crazy it wouldnt have any pressure now its fine. any ideas what made it do that?
    bluewolf115, Feb 17, 2004
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