92 LeBaron - need spec for electrical drain

Discussion in 'LeBaron' started by ostackw, Mar 8, 2006.

  1. ostackw

    ostackw Guest

    1992 LeBaron with 3.0 V6 with key out and all doors closed, the current
    draw is 0.12 amps. Does anyone know if this is excessive or typical
    for these cars? I know some other car models draw between 0.04 and
    0.07 amps when off, and their batteries can go a month or two without
    being drained to the point that the car won't start.
    I have isolated most of the ignition-off current usage to the circuit
    for interior lights, the radio and engine controls. Removing the fuse
    for this circuit reduces the current draw to about 0.04 amps; when the
    fuse is plugged back in, current goes up to 0.12 amps. I haven't been
    able to find a circuit diagram for this fuse's circuit (fuse #2, 10
    amps). Does anyone know where I can get a copy of this circuit
    diagram? Also, I am suspicious that the courtesy light controller
    (that keeps some interior lights on for a short time after the ignition
    is turned off and the doors are closed, then slowly dimming them until
    they go off--"theater lighting feature") is the problem, but I don't
    know where it is located in the car or what it looks like. I want to
    try disconnecting this controller to see how much current it draws;
    keeping it disconnected may be a quick fix. Simply removing fuse 2
    keeps the radio from coming on and the engine controls don't get
    electric power (this doesn't seem like a good idea).
    ostackw, Mar 8, 2006
  2. ostackw

    Bill Putney Guest

    I don't know if dealers keep shop manuals that old, but if your dealer
    is of the friendlier type, they would allow you to browse thru the FSM
    in their facilities and even photocopy a few pages that you select
    (sounds like you want schematics and possibly some descriptive info.) -
    I used to do that many times myself, but that was a few years ago.

    Alternatively, you could purchase an FSM off of ebay, *OR* for immediate
    gratification, purchase an on-line subscription to the FSM (and other
    info. including full TSB's specific to your car) for $25 for a year ($15
    for annual renewal and/or any added vehicles). Schematics and whatever
    procedures they have on-line will be right out of the FSM (not defective
    aftermarket-type information), and they will have all schematics
    specific to your car.

    If you are in a larger city, you sometimes can find FSM's in the library
    there, from which you can make photocipies of pages of interest.

    Do not mess with aftermarket manuals (aftermarket or at a library)
    *particularly* since you want schematics - aftermarket manuals have
    schematics labeled "Typical" that are not for your car - the equivalent
    of attempting to use a map of roads from Denver to Los Angeles to drive
    from Washington DC to New York.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Mar 8, 2006
  3. ostackw

    Bill Putney Guest

    Bill Putney wrote:

    Oh - and do a Google search for 'vogel' - there used to be a guy on the
    internet by that name that sold used shop manuals - he may have been
    displaced by ebay by now, or perhaps he has an ebay store. Over the
    years I bought a couple of used manuals from him - descriptions were
    always accurate - and manuals were in exclellent condition.

    Bill Putney
    (To reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with the letter 'x')
    Bill Putney, Mar 8, 2006
  4. ostackw

    mm Guest

    It's the glove box light.

    I spent 14 hours on this in 1965. (It would have only been 90 minutes
    but for some special circumstances.)

    If it's not the glove box light, it's something else.
    Maybe the trunk light, unlikely, or the hood light if there is one..

    Remove NOPSAM to email me. Please let
    me know if you have posted also.
    mm, Mar 9, 2006
  5. ostackw

    ostackw Guest

    We've checked out all the lights. We even went so far as to close me in
    the trunk to make sure the trunk light went off.
    ostackw, Mar 12, 2006
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