91 Voyager burning oil

Discussion in 'Voyager' started by Av, Nov 11, 2003.

  1. Av

    Av Guest

    Reading the archives, I'm reasonably confident the problem would be
    valve guides dropping, but I'd just like some confirmation :)

    I have a 91 Voyager with ~154k miles on it.
    Apart from this one problem, the van runs *great*.
    In the last 12 months I've had front and back valve cover gaskets, the
    PCV value and oil pan gasket and catalytic converter (it was cracked).

    That work cost a total of ~USD 1000, and fixed a nasty oil leak and
    smoking problem.

    The smoking is back through :( There's a "farting" sound coming from
    underneath the van - my original mechanic (with whom I've lost a little
    faith) has said, without actually looking at it, that this was because
    of an exhaust leak.

    Does this sould like it would be caused by values dropping? Or should I
    look more at the seals to be the problem?
    Av, Nov 11, 2003
  2. Can I ask what the rate of oil consumption is? If this van is 150K miles
    and it's going
    through a quart every 1000 miles, then I'd hazard a guess that it's not
    going to go
    through more than another 50 quarts before the engine goes kaput. So, why
    are you
    spending money trying to get it fixed? For what your dumping into repairs
    you should
    just wait until the engine seizes then buy a rebuilt engine, it'd be the
    same money.

    Ted Mittelstaedt, Nov 11, 2003
  3. Av

    Av Guest

    : Can I ask what the rate of oil consumption is? If this van is 150K miles
    : and it's going
    : through a quart every 1000 miles, then I'd hazard a guess that it's not
    : going to go
    : through more than another 50 quarts before the engine goes kaput. So, why
    : are you
    : spending money trying to get it fixed? For what your dumping into repairs
    : you should
    : just wait until the engine seizes then buy a rebuilt engine, it'd be the
    : same money.

    It's going through *about* 1 to 2 quarts every 1000 miles.
    For 50 quarts, that's 50,000 miles and still another 4 years of driving
    for me (by which time I'll surely have a new vehicle).

    How much would it cost to buy a rebuilt engine and have someoen install
    it? It sounds like a huge job.
    Av, Nov 11, 2003
  4. Av

    damnnickname Guest

    That isnt bad for a car of that age and mileage, The valve guide problem
    will not cause a noise, also keep in mind that if the front valve cover gets
    stopped up it will not drian oil back inot the motor and will cause, oil
    consumption and smoking problems
    Glenn Beasley
    Chrysler Tech
    damnnickname, Nov 11, 2003
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