91 Shadow/Sundance parts needed

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Guest, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I need the 2 rubber bushings that are on the alternator pivot bolt.
    My bushings have dried and cracked, so the alternator not sitting straight
    and the serpentine belt keeps slipping off.
    The bushings are no longer available from Chrysler.
    The engine is the 2.2L or 2.5L non-turbo with AC.
    I also checked into getting the alternator/AC bracket assembly with the
    bushings, but the bracket is also no longer available.
    Any ideas of where I can get the bushings or the bracket??
    Thank you!!
    Guest, Jan 9, 2004
  2. Horsepucky. They are so. They were used as far back as '84 and as recently
    as '95; there are literally millions of vehicles in service with those
    bushings, and they jolly well are available. Try another dealer.

    Daniel J. Stern, Jan 9, 2004
  3. Guest

    John Guest

    I do not know where you live, but I live in North San Diego County and I
    have a 87 Shadow and I go to the local bone yard to get my parts cause the
    dealer prices are ridiculous. My 87 Shadow has 64,000 miles, and three
    lifters went out and depending on what dealer I called they ran between $30
    and $60 per lifter. I paid a dollar for each at Ecology and no more
    knocking and the car runs great again. As the other person said they are in
    just about every car Chrysler/Dodge made from 85ish to 97ish. I just went
    there today to get some vacuum connectors and there were probably 6 or 7
    cars that had that 2.2/2.5 engine in it. They are all mostly the same.
    John, Jan 16, 2004
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