91 Caravan Tranny Cable

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dprkk, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. dprkk

    dprkk Guest

    My gear select cable is starting to bind. I understand the connection
    at the transmission, but how difficult is it to change out the cable
    at the shifter end?
    dprkk, Nov 30, 2008
  2. dprkk

    Mark F Guest

    Could it be a motor or tranny mount that's failed? /mark
    Mark F, Nov 30, 2008
  3. dprkk

    dprkk Guest

    Nope, all mounts are new. It's definitely a cable problem.
    dprkk, Nov 30, 2008
  4. dprkk

    Bill Putney Guest

    I'm not familiar with that vehicle, but since you haven't gotten any
    direct replies yet, I'll just say that on other vehicles that have a
    shifter cable (I'm only personally familiar with the 2nd gen LH cars,
    whose early shifter cables had a corrosion/binding problem - I've
    rpelaced the cable on both my Concordes), on the shifter end (I'm
    assuming yours is a column shifter), you would remove the steering
    column covers and you would then see some attachment for the cable
    sheath (might be a clip securing it to a feature or bracket on the
    column), and a ball joint at the end of the cable itself that needs to
    be popped off of a rod that is part of or mechanically linked to the
    shift lever.

    On floor shifters, it's a matter of removing the shift knob and bezel,
    then detaching the cable sheath and cable end similar to the column shifter.

    Sorry to be so general - maybe someone who knows the details of that
    vehicle will post.
    Bill Putney, Nov 30, 2008
  5. dprkk

    dprkk Guest

    Bill, thanks for your reply. It's a column shifter. From what you say,
    it sounds like it may not be that bad after the column covers come off.
    dprkk, Nov 30, 2008
  6. dprkk

    Bryan Guest

    You do not need to remove the colum covers. the cable attaches to the column
    at the base. There is a U clip that can be tricky to deal with but it is not
    impossible. Use a flat blade screwdriver to pop the cable off of the lever
    and then use the screwdriver to remove the u clip. from there it is cake.


    Bill, thanks for your reply. It's a column shifter. From what you say,
    it sounds like it may not be that bad after the column covers come off.
    Bryan, Dec 3, 2008
  7. dprkk

    Bill Putney Guest

    Thanks for clarifying that, Bryan.
    Bill Putney, Dec 3, 2008
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