'90 New Yorker Speedometer Calibration

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by D. E. Smith, Feb 26, 2004.

  1. D. E. Smith

    D. E. Smith Guest

    Dear Group,

    Is there any way I would be able to calibrate the speedometer in my '90
    New Yorker? Is there any adjustment, or does a professional have to do it?
    It is off by 5 mph (when it reads 50, I'm really going 45) .. not much
    but... The thing is, I replaced the speedo with a model out of a '93 Dynasty
    and that one is 5 mph off too. Is it the nature of the beast to be off like
    that? Could it be the speed sensor? Anyway, any advice would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance..


    D. E. Smith, Feb 26, 2004
  2. D. E. Smith

    Geoff Guest

    Were the wheels changed at some point, or was a speed sensor (or
    transmission!) replaced with a unit from another vehicle?
    Geoff, Feb 26, 2004
  3. D. E. Smith

    D. E. Smith Guest

    I have the original tranny which was rebuilt last November. Had the same
    symptom before and after the rebuild. I have 14" wheels that I have never

    Thanks for your feedback..

    D. E. Smith, Feb 26, 2004
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