90 New Yorker Odometer Problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by D. E. Smith, Feb 15, 2004.

  1. D. E. Smith

    D. E. Smith Guest

    Dear Group,

    I have a 90 New Yorker 3.3L where the odometer has stopped counting
    miles. The speedometer works just fine, however. I was wondering where I
    should start looking to diagnose the problem. I am assuming that since the
    speedo works (albeit it's 5 mph off.. always has been) and the odometer
    doesn't, that the problem is internal to the Unit and not electrical. This
    happened after resetting the trip odometer, which also tells me that there
    is a mechanical problem in the unit, but I would like the opinion of the
    group before I go pulling my dash apart. Also, if I need to replace the
    unit, what do you think the probability of finding a used unit would be?

    Thanks all for reading this...your input is greatly appreciated..


    replace the AT with @ and DOT with . and remove all {{ }}and (( ))for my
    email address. Thanks!
    D. E. Smith, Feb 15, 2004
  2. Actually, the odometer is driven by a small electric motor mounted on the
    speedometer circuit board.
    Maybe and maybe not -- the trip odometer is driven by a geartrain off the
    main odometer. Same motor runs 'em both. Pushing the trip reset button
    disengages the trip odo from the geartrain and allows its spring loading
    to carry the drums back to 000.0.
    How good are the yards in your area? If they suck, hit www.car-part.com
    (searchable used auto parts nationwide). Pick up a spare IP and you'll
    have plenty of spare parts to make it work again.

    Daniel J. Stern, Feb 15, 2004
  3. D. E. Smith

    Steve Stone Guest

    Is this a mechanical or electronic unit ?

    If electronic I would suspect the last switches you pushed is failing like the one that
    switches the odometer to trip mileage.

    Steve Stone, Feb 15, 2004
  4. D. E. Smith

    D. E. Smith Guest

    Thank you for the information. Now I am wondering if there is any way to
    test the odometer motor, or should I just scrap it..

    Thanks, Daniel!

    D. E. Smith, Feb 15, 2004
  5. D. E. Smith

    D. E. Smith Guest

    It's a mechanical (analog) unit.. not digital.

    Thanks for your input :)

    D. E. Smith, Feb 15, 2004
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