'90 LeBaron electrical problems

Discussion in 'LeBaron' started by Chris, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. Chris

    Chris Guest

    I posted something about this a while back. Got some helpful responses,
    but interest in the thread died off.
    The car started out eating batteries. There were other quirky things
    going on also (like this one time where I started it, there was this
    really strange high pitched wine, and even when I turned it off, it
    only died down, until I think I started it again, and shut it off. Then
    it was fine :O ). I changed the alternator - no change. The last time I
    touched it I was scoping for codes, then the very next time it wouldn't
    start and a code having something to do with faulty fuel injector
    circuit was displayed. Needless to say it just won't start now.
    What I feel like doing, and I know it sound extreme, is remove all the
    wiring harnesses and examine them to see if there's a wiring problem or
    a bad fusible link. There isn't that much in the way of wiring in the
    car, and it seems the easiest (!) way to determine the problem (for
    someone like me with little experience troubleshooting automotive
    electrical problems). At least that way I'll know it's either the
    starter, alternator, or computer (I guess?). The car was otherwise
    reliable and has a good engine and tranny. I changed the water pump and
    timing belt a year ago, and I'd hate to see all that work go to waste.
    If you're familiar with this car, you'll know what I mean.
    Chris, Apr 4, 2006
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