90 Dodge Pickup

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Dan, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. Dan

    Dan Guest

    I have a full size Dodge pickup and can't figure out how to get the
    tailgate off -can anyone help?
    Dan, Apr 23, 2008
  2. Dan

    Dan Guest

    Figured it out - looked in owners manual. Is the problem with poor paint
    quality in these years a problem with the paint itself or the undercoat?
    Huge sections have flaked off of the white color - it appears to be a
    problem with many makes during this era.
    Dan, Apr 23, 2008
  3. Dan

    rob Guest

    my 89 truck had that issue. lots of trucks from all makes seem to have
    issues back then with white paint, and some others occasionally.

    body shop told me it was poor prepping of the body back at the factory so
    the paint doesn't "bind" to the metal correctly, like maybe it was coated
    with something before it was shipped from stamping plant to the assembly
    line and the coating wasn't removed or something, but haven't heard from
    anyone who can confirm that.
    rob, May 18, 2008
  4. Dan

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    I've read pretty consistently that the problem was EPA requirements
    that the manufacturers didn't have the technology to meet yet -- and
    while light colors were bad, the dark colors (I had a beautiful maroon
    '87 Lebaron coupe that had pretty much no paint left after about 1995)
    the dark colors were far worse.
    Joe Pfeiffer, May 18, 2008
  5. Dan

    kmath50 Guest

    This was a common problem for almost all late 1980's through 1990's
    cars. The primer coat was electrostaticly applied, and would oxidize,
    causing the top coat to come off. I have seen "milky" clear coats on
    vehicles just a few years old.

    kmath50, May 18, 2008
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