89 Lebaron Trouble Codes???

Discussion in 'LeBaron' started by knews4u2chew, Apr 29, 2005.

  1. knews4u2chew

    knews4u2chew Guest

    I have an 89 LeBaron 2.5 litre Turbo that is giveing me 2 trouble

    #13 AND # 26.

    Can someone tell me what they are indicating?

    The library doesn't have the info and my mechanic doesn't have the disk
    for that year.

    Please email me and/or give me a reference on the net.

    knews4u2chew, Apr 29, 2005
  2. knews4u2chew

    TNKEV Guest

    http://www.allpar.com/fix/codes.html Scroll to the bottom of the page and
    click 1980s and 1990s codes.
    TNKEV, Apr 29, 2005
  3. knews4u2chew

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    They didn't change much from year to year -- if he's got a manual for
    just about anything in the right era, he should be able to look these
    up. But:

    From http://www.allpar.com/fix/80s-codes.html:

    13* MAP sensor or vacuum line may not be working
    26 Peak injector circuit voltage has not been reached (need to check
    computer signals, voltage reg, injectors) (SEE NOTE #4 BELOW)

    NOTE #4.

    During cranking, the computer will test the current through the
    injector to see whether there's too much resistance in the injector's
    path. If there is, code 26 is set.

    The problem may be cured with tuner cleaner on the connectors.

    For TBI engines, the injector's cold resistance should be between 0.9
    and 1.2 ohms (specs vary with year). This is a peak-and-hold
    injector. With the engine idling the peak period should be about 1.2
    milliseconds whereas the hold period will vary. If it's lower than
    this at idle, then the injector's shorted or there's a defect in the
    injector driver circuit. (Bohdan Bodnar)
    Joe Pfeiffer, Apr 29, 2005
  4. knews4u2chew

    knews4u2chew Guest

    knews4u2chew, May 3, 2005
  5. knews4u2chew

    knews4u2chew Guest

    Yes. Got it. Looks the same for most years.
    I got the code list from other thread by getting the search right.
    Now how to test for the problems?
    Out to the garage.
    Vaya con Dios.
    knews4u2chew, May 3, 2005
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