89 Horizon biting the dust

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Phil Breau, Oct 21, 2003.

  1. Phil Breau

    Phil Breau Guest

    Aug 31, 2003

    I bought my first Horizon brand new for $8700 (CDN). Loved it so much I
    bought a second Horizon - a used 89 model in 92 for $3901. Friends thought
    it was cute - a his 'n' hers (I drove the 87, the wife drove the 89). Drove
    the 87 model into the ground. It had 200,000 mostly city km. A lot of those
    kms were from delivering pizza. People said I was crazy thinking I could
    sell it. I sold it in 97 for $500. I cried over parting with it. The guy who
    bought it was using it as his ticket to the Yukon. Told him to call collect
    when he got there. He never called.

    I'm still to this day driving my 89. I have never had any major repairs,
    just the basic components replaced like alternator, battery, etc. The car is
    showing signs of age. All my friends make fun of it, but I don't care. I
    love this car to death.

    Seeing the price of cars today, I think I will put a grand or so in to
    getting it fixed.

    October 20, 2003

    Just last week the car overheated (on the way to the rad mechanic) and
    killed the engine. It's running on 3 cylinders now. It blows black smoke. I
    replaced the plugs and wires. My mechanic thinks it's had the biscuit.

    Problems: Everything
    - It overheats
    - Fires on 3 cylinders
    - The transmission slips between 2nd and 3rd (automatic).
    - It doesn't go into reverse unless warmed up.
    - It leaks just about every type of fluid.
    - The paint is faded bumper to bumper
    - The front end needs work

    Other than that, the car is tough as nails and is STILL running. The car has
    been indestructable (until now).

    It may sound as if this is the worst piece of crap anyone could ever drive.

    Consider this:
    I paid $3900 CDN. Over 11 years that's only $354 per year! The car is 14
    years old and has suffered harsh conditions (150,000 km all city driving and
    every day in winter).

    I would appreciate feed back from anyone who can recommend a good, cheap
    mechanic in the Toronto area for this car OR a $354 per year car.

    Thank you
    Phil Breau, Oct 21, 2003
  2. Phil Breau

    Dave Gower Guest

    I bought my first Horizon new in 1983. and was just as happy with it as you
    report. Drove almost a quarter of a million km year-round road-warrior duty,
    never had to be towed, paid off my mortgage. finally rusted out in early
    90s. Great little car.
    As fond as I was of my Horizon, I have to agree with your friends, it's
    cremation or burial time. Look around, there's some decent related cars
    (Shadows, Spirits, Acclaims etc). Sometimes you can find well-looked after
    ones, and they will sell for about what you paid. You might even find a
    usable Omni/Horizon or Aries/Reliant (and if so I wouldn't pay much for it
    regardless of condition), but most are toast.

    Dave Gower, Oct 21, 2003
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