89 Daytona 2.5 turbo error codes

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by pcfreak, Apr 22, 2004.

  1. pcfreak

    pcfreak Guest

    Hello, I was just wondering if the computer is screwed on my 89 Daytona,
    2.5 turbo. I did the self test by turning the key on and off for 5 times.
    When I got the codes I got 12, 52,15,22,55. Does that sound right ? I
    thought they went in order from lowest to highest ? I replaced the coolant
    sensor but I still get the 22. I have always gotten 12, and how or where do
    I find the sensor for the oxygen sensor (52) ? Thanks
    pcfreak, Apr 22, 2004
  2. Doesn't sound *wrong*...
    Not necessarily, no.
    Did you clear the codes (disconnect the battery) after replacing the

    Check for bad connections at the sensor *and* the SMEC, and if those check
    out OK, suspect bad wiring between the sensor and the SMEC.

    12, Start of codes.

    52, O2 sensor code, DON'T USE A BOSCH REPLACEMENT SENSOR! Mopar, NTK, NAPA
    Echlin or Standard-BlueStreak is fine. Sensor looks like a spark plug and
    is threaded into the side of the exhaust manifold.

    15, Vehicle Speed and Distance Sensor or its wiring. On top of the RH
    extension housing of the transaxle. Remove engine air cleaner to access.

    55, end of codes.
    Daniel J. Stern, Apr 22, 2004
  3. pcfreak

    pcfreak Guest

    Thanks alot Daniel !!!
    pcfreak, Apr 23, 2004
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